Richfield, UT
age: 37
Anybody going??? Any of yall ever been??? I love it. The music then the party out in the camping area, great times.

Manti, UT
age: 26
I'm wanting to go this year! My aunt lives not too far away from where it's at. She's told me that the two of us will go and party it up! LOL She's a fun fun lady! 

Richfield, UT
age: 37
So have you been before???? If not then GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! The last time I went was when I was single. I video taped the whole thing and my momma was very ashamed of her baby boy when my brother accidentally left the tapes at her house haha. In five days just in alcohol bought there, not including the cases I brought, I spent 2184.33!!!! I went to bed where ever I fell. One of those places was the rail road tracks with a girl not only did I not know her, I don't remember even meeting her or her four year old son and her friend we left at camp with my cousins and brothers wife!!!! I have been to spring break several times in Florida on several beaches, In Calfornia, and once in Baja. I have been to Madigra four times, and I think I had more fun at country jam that year. Go GO GO!!!

Manti, UT
age: 26
I have never been to country jam before. I'm really thinking of going....lol HOLY COW with the amount of money you spent! lmao I've never been drunk before, so maybe it will be my first time...you never know....hahaha My aunt is a pretty wild woman 

Richfield, UT
age: 37
I will remember that amount forever. I don't think my brother and mabey a few others bought a drink all week haha. Getting drunk your first at Country Jam I wouldn't recommend. You don't know what kind of drinker you are, it could be very very bad.

Manti, UT
age: 26
That's so very true - but I'll have fun anyway. Wonder who's going to be there this year.

Richfield, UT
age: 37
I can't find my flyer but its a great line up, you can look it up online.

Manti, UT
age: 26
Cool - I'll have to check it out sometime. You going to go this year?