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7/11/2007 1:55:44 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Lakewood, CA
age: 20

Which ones better and what defines them?

7/11/2007 1:58:20 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Duncan, OK
age: 67

Vig, u can have sex w/o love and love w/o sex but it sure aint very full filling.

7/11/2007 2:23:09 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Columbia, SC
age: 44

well right now, going to have sex and enjoy the hell out of it ....Then If loves come with it then , there maybe an earth quake in AZ.... this weekend....LOL

7/11/2007 3:26:01 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Pueblo, CO
age: 29

I so agree with you. Sex just for the sake of it is not fulfilling, maybe even a bit disgustring. Why can't people control their urges? Nobody ever died from a lack of sex.

7/11/2007 3:40:49 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Saint Paul, MN
age: 33

Making love:
When your in love witht he person you will go out of your way to please them in bed and not only yourself.And they will do the same for you.They feelings you have for her/him will be felt in every touch and caress.The goal is changed and its not a see how fast we can get off type of thing.Its enjoying eachothers bodies to the max and really knowing your alive when your with this person.Look your lover in the eyes and in her/his eyes you can feel them looking inside of you, at the real you and loveing every single part of you.

This si more of a race or a simple goal of getting off.Sure just the fact your touching someone else feels good but its empty and meaning less.It may feel good at that moment but when its al over you know your alone again.Every touch is meaningless and any words spoken are hollow.Look that person in the eyes and all you see if them looking back at you.

You make love one time and sex will never be the same.Empty sex will turn you off and leave you feeling used.Why even do it then?Sex if for lovers , its not a ride at an amusement park.

7/11/2007 3:59:02 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Duncan, OK
age: 67

Beach , u go girl, guess Ill just go work out and look at the hot bods with the great big colored tats, and I used to think they were disgusting, was I nuts or what ,oh well, either a three hr workout or as icy shower.

7/11/2007 4:56:44 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

New Carlisle, OH
age: 55 making love is like going out for dinner to your favorite restraunt and ordering your favorite meal. when you eat that meal you hold every bite in your mouth longer to enjoy the great taste of it and savor every second. you take smaller bites so that it will last a long time tasting every spice. even after you have just swallowed your first bite you can't wait to put more in your mouth to start the process again.
having sex for the sake of having sex is like going to your favorite fast food place. all you want to do is to have your belly filled with something good and go on with life.

now both are great and everyone enjoys having both, it's just when do you eat, and how much time do you have. i enjoy both.

oh, one more thing, there's SEX. now i'm talking the hair pulling, butt spanking anything goes sex. now evryone likes this, or at least have thought about it. now this is like going to an amusment park, riding all the rides and eating all the junk food there. this has it's place and time also.
got to go, i have a park to go

7/11/2007 4:59:37 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Aberdeen, SD
age: 36

I think a combination of both will be a long lasting orgasm...he,he,he...ohhh ahhh yes!
I do... I do!

[Edited 7/11/2007 5:02:31 AM]

7/11/2007 5:15:42 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Aberdeen, SD
age: 36 me is simple I can stay without sex for months even for years ... sex is a gift of finding love! and of course it needs to be mutual!!!so do not lie to people if you just like them as friends just to have sex that is just wrong!
One of my favorite movies is called "The Dark side of the heart" it has English subtitles, it is a little abstract, if you are a religious freak do not judge is a part of life, directed by Eliseo Subiela highly recommended ...onlytruth, you will love it 'cause it has a lot of poetry and I kind of sense your love for poems and what I love the most sarcasms

PS I hope not to get tempted at work with you guys...otherwise I will be jobless gotta go to go, go, y' guys hv fun!

[Edited 7/11/2007 5:20:43 AM]

7/11/2007 10:34:58 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Riverview, FL
age: 57

If you dont know the diffrance, you have never been in love!

7/11/2007 10:57:17 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Myrtle Beach, SC
age: 47

stilwater-------how true, how true. by the way, i'm dreama333, nice to meet u. stay kool!

7/11/2007 11:02:39 AM Difference between making love and sex.  

Rogers, AR
age: 30

I disagree!! Sex can be great without love. Yes it is at it's best when love and sex are both present. But those rare occassions when you meeet someone who just rocks your world and then goes away can be vvvvveeeerrrryyy fulfilling. I've had 2 or 3 or 4. lol Oh and one of them turned into a very meaningful, love filled relationship of over five years. But I don't regret anything I've ever experienced in my life.

7/11/2007 6:43:46 PM Difference between making love and sex.  

Duncan, OK
age: 67

Damn Hot , it pays that much ?? I just depleted my "new car fund " on a new cooling system. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thats better than Okieboys $100 for a BJ, I may have to rethink this .............

7/11/2007 6:46:50 PM Difference between making love and sex.  

Martinsburg, WV
age: 48

there is a difference to me I believe when you just have sex to have sex, your in a hurry just trying to get the other person off, But when you make love it takes a while alot of kissing, a lot of foreplay, alot of hot raunchy sex

7/11/2007 7:06:54 PM Difference between making love and sex.  

New Carlisle, OH
age: 55

hotlicks, you do know that is what you are paying for them to leave

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