4/23/2008 7:12:54 PM |
where are all the women at! |
Zion, IL
age: 23
COme on ladies where are you! Is something wrong with me! Lets go out on a date!!! I can't seem to find any hot women on here!
4/28/2008 1:14:16 PM |
where are all the women at! |
Carbondale, IL
age: 42
your wasting your time dude,their too busy shopping with money they didn't earn.if you don't have any they wont waste their time with you.
[Edited 4/28/2008 1:15:58 PM]
4/28/2008 1:14:39 PM |
where are all the women at! |
Carbondale, IL
age: 42
your wasting your time dude,their too busy shopping with money they didn't earn.
[Edited 4/28/2008 1:14:52 PM]
4/28/2008 1:20:07 PM |
where are all the women at! |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
First of all, The women here are ladies and should be treated as such. Being crude will only get you more rejection. Try being civil and see if that works!
4/28/2008 1:35:46 PM |
where are all the women at! |

Aurora, IL
age: 49
It's okay, Mike. I'm busy working at my 50+hr/wk job so that I'll never have to spend any sh**-for-brain's money. Just too busy to care enough to even take the time to reject him.
Any of you who know me on the forums also know I rarely get riled enough to take this tone, but for this one, I had to make an exception. 
4/28/2008 3:35:00 PM |
where are all the women at! |

Downers Grove, IL
age: 38
First of all, huneynubbin, remember whom posted here! I feel jmans's pain, i havent gotten a date from here yet neither, frustration is being vented and you can't (honestly) condemn him for that. I do agree a more thought out approach with more taste and constructiveness could be practiced here, so instead maybee think before YOU speak as well. Somebody could try to coach rather than condemn him! Second of all it was d*ck-4/keh004 whom made the tasteless comment but, if YOU look @ some of the ladys' profiles you'll see some that "require" a man to make 75K or more and, some of those ladies make25K or less even, yes i agree it's their perogative but, maybee HIGH maintanance looks bad to some of us too! You (honeynubbin) require a non smoker and thats ok but, i smoke and that takes your sexy self off of my list (damn it)! So I'm just saying lets try to be better about some ways we treat eachother and try not to condemn &/or judge too badly and some/all of us should try and think before we speak no time in life to be a hater!
Hey Mike read about your shindig sounds great, would like to but=(???). Love to see what you've got to say when i read it, you seem like a great dude, keep it up & good luck on the farm my friend!

4/28/2008 3:41:54 PM |
where are all the women at! |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
Stan, I used to date a lady from Downers Grove. Maybe you know her?
4/28/2008 4:04:33 PM |
where are all the women at! |

Downers Grove, IL
age: 38
Hey Mike, sent you an e-mail!
4/29/2008 6:54:54 AM |
where are all the women at! |

Aurora, IL
age: 49
Stan/Man, I respect your opinion, but if you will also read closer, you'll find I was not knocking anyone's personal preferences, including yours or the OP's. I was responding to the comment made about women only wanting to be out spending money they didn't earn. I apologize that sarcasm is so hard to hear when you're only reading it.
I am weary of the comments made by some men (and some women) that lump an entire gender into a personality trait or behavior pattern that they take offense to. I personally do not spend my days shopping idly on the dime and/or credit card of some hard-workin' man. I wouldn't even want a man who would allow himself to be treated in such a way, and I'd hope he'd have more respect for himself.
Preferences are just that, preferences. Yes, I prefer men who don't smoke (and therefore, you aren't on my short list either). I don't, however, require him to be rich and throw money at me.
So please take your own advice before dispensing your hallowed wisdom - read what's written, and don't read anything more into it than what's there. Thanks for your input.
[Edited 4/29/2008 6:59:32 AM]
4/29/2008 2:51:48 PM |
where are all the women at! |

Downers Grove, IL
age: 38
OK, much respect for what you have said honey. For the record I will not tell lies, I am a better preacher than a practicioner of what I say but(arent we all?), it doesn't mean that I don't mean well and try to practice what i suggest. I do however, have compassion and wish to try to help all i can (including myself) by saying what i say. I believe if we think about what should be said and say it, we all can learn from doing so including, us whom write/speak it! Lots of love girl, I respect your input.
4/30/2008 6:50:45 AM |
where are all the women at! |

Aurora, IL
age: 49
Well said, Stan. Thanks for the response!
The next round's on me! 
4/30/2008 7:26:39 AM |
where are all the women at! |

Benton, IL
age: 71
Jman- please be patient. They are hiding & waiting
just around the corner,
['scuse me Jman]
KEH004- go take a leap off a high bridge
or apologize to all the ladies on here.
your opinion sucks!
[Edited 4/30/2008 7:31:29 AM]
4/30/2008 5:03:54 PM |
where are all the women at! |

Herrin, IL
age: 59
Well keh004, whatever, I am so sorry that I am spending "your" money that you earned at my "expense". I am busy working at my job; this week I am scheduled for 8 straight days, and yet not 40 hours. While I am workin these hours, I am "allegedly" blowing your money? Give me a break.