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7/15/2007 7:43:10 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Maryville, TN
age: 44

Metu, Could be worse. My friend had a dog who ate itself ALL the time and didn't do much of anything else. It's name was Daisy!

7/15/2007 7:55:33 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Dahlonega, GA
age: 54

Hey those "Queer" canines seem a little like deja vu...... No, not me!!! I meant the damn ass dogs.

7/15/2007 7:59:38 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43

what a JOKE

7/15/2007 8:20:10 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Dahlonega, GA
age: 54

May I ask a question? Is this guy Todd for real? It would appear that he lacks emotion and love(What this site is really about, isn't it?) Seems this fellow wants to deal only in anger and frustration and not in what the question is? Perhaps he is jealous the dogs didn't invite him into their "circle" Let's not make Metu's thread into one of hate. She is a very sweet person and does not deserve or need this type of Bad Karma........

I sort of try to understand the lesbian/gay thing intelligently, However DOGS??? CATS??? next thing will be platypus's or anteaters, they have LOOOOOOONNNGGGG Tongues.

7/15/2007 8:48:58 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Dahlonega, GA
age: 46 online now!

Ooooh! You just said tongue.............!

7/15/2007 8:57:15 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43

viking for one i think if metu had something she wanted to say, i think she can tell me that herself instead of you speaking for her you dont want to see me angry. DO YOU? seems you like to run your mouth alot from behind the computer.... like i said this is metus thread not yours and further more you got something to say to me, email me because i have alot i will say to you there. ANY QUESTIONS??????????

7/15/2007 9:06:49 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43

further more how do you know my name is todd? unless this is another fake profile created by one of the members here....hunh

7/15/2007 9:32:18 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Dahlonega, GA
age: 46 online now!

H PLEASE! I'm telling you myself. Don't want this to become hate. I have stood in the line of fire for you, & you know it. Let me just spread the laughs & joy. PLEASE!

7/15/2007 9:40:04 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43

how is this becoming hate? when he threw the piss shots first? was that hate?

7/15/2007 9:51:17 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Dahlonega, GA
age: 46 online now!

My Mom always told me not to get into piss fights with a skunk. Let it go.....

7/15/2007 9:57:21 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Columbia, SC
age: 44

Ok. I'm here, Hugs people....Hugs Todd...Haven't felt well today...So I may me off my game.

And I have a female that just got out of heat...She would try humping the little male dog I have to. talk about some funny shit now thats funny...right there....Hugs Beach...

[Edited 7/15/2007 10:12:16 PM]

7/15/2007 10:00:20 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

Come to Daddy lil mama...we can discuss my b*tches sexual quirks!

7/15/2007 10:04:07 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Dahlonega, GA
age: 46 online now!

Hmmmmmmm.......tap, tap. Wondering which red-head you're talking to! LOL

7/15/2007 10:06:30 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43

when you all get over pearl harbor and the korean war, thats when i will get over things.

7/15/2007 10:07:26 PM Wierd Question! Lesbian Dogs?  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

You of course baby!

Going to bed now.......nite kids! Ya'll fight nice...........As my Dad used to tell me and my brother.

Happy smooches Metu

Pearl Harbor? Korea?..........Are you Japanese, Korean, Black or white?....Which culture do you claim as the "pure" one? The one that is yours? I am simply curious.....not gonna f*ck up Metus thread here....just would like to know.

[Edited 7/15/2007 10:11:54 PM]

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