Bronx, NY
age: 38
Padre Nuestro, que estas en los cielos
Santificado sea tu nombre
Venga a nosotros tu reino
Hagase tu voluntad aqui en la tierra
Como en el cielo
El pan nuestro de cada dia
Danoslo hoy
Perdona nuestras deudas, asi como nosotros
perdonamos a nuestros deudores
Y no nos dejes caer en tentacion
Mas libranos de todo mal.... Amen
Dios te salve Maria
Llena eres de gracia
El Senor es contigo
Bendita tu eres
Entre todas las mujeres
Y bendito es el fruto
De tu vientre Jesus
Santa Maria, Madre de Dios
Ruega por nosotros pecadores
Ahora y en la hora
De nuestra muerte. Amen

Upland, CA
age: 54
what the h--- does that say

New York, NY
age: 28
Holy Father who art in heaven

Houlton, ME
age: 42

Bronx, NY
age: 38
Whether I say it in English or Spanish, all I know is that I'm moved beyond words, and filled with great love...............

Deatsville, AL
age: 41
Our father, that these in the skies Sanctified be your name Come us your kingdom is Done your will aqui in the
land As in the sky The our bread of each I gave Danoslo today Forgives our debts, asi like we forgive our
debtors AND us do not drop in tentacion But free us of all badly. ... Love
God save you Maria Full you are of grace The Senor is with you Blessed your are Between all the women AND
blessed is the fruit Of your womb Jesus Holy Maria, Mother of God Begs for us sinners Now and in the hour Of
our death. Love
That is a rough translation...........

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
Deo Gratias... The Lords Prayer and the Hail Mary!
Agnus Dei, Miserare Nobis!!!
Mater Dei, Ora Pro nobis!!!