Smithville, WV
age: 54
15th of July, leaving Saint Marys at 9 am. Headed South on rt. 16 all the way to Virginia. Most likely a 2 day ride. Its my understanding that once into Virginia, the road gets a little crooked. Some are headed clean into Tennessee. All makes of motorcycles welcome. Hope to meet ya on the road. 

Charleston, WV
age: 53
Just got back from the west coast. Got helped off the road in Abilene TX and busted a couple of ribs. TX and I do not get along. Time before in 79 got run off and broke both arms. I think I will stay out of Texas on my bike in the future.
What is going on in VA? Just taking a ride?

Smithville, WV
age: 54
Just a ride. No rules, no cost, no schedule. Just riding for the sake of riding. 

Smithville, WV
age: 54
I think the 15th is on a Tuesday-----the week before all the doings up in our West Virginia hills. Take a mid state tour---see a few other states, lots of waterfalls, and still make back in time for the Lions Club party at Slaty Fork, or the Yuppie Gatherin on top of Snowshoe mountain. Whos gonna have the most fun????? Yuppies on top the hill at 6 bucks a beer and 150 dollar beds or the bikers at the bottom of the hill with tents and bedrolls????? Dont much matter to me. Im gonna ride, sleep, then ride some more. Everyone, make and model of scoot welcome.

Charleston, WV
age: 53
Yeah don't think much of those trailer trash bikes on the top of the hill. They probably get at a big 2 or 3 thousand miles in a year on them. Why buy one if you are not going to ride it. Mine is still in the shop. Hoping to get it out soon. Keep me posted on the ride.