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7/21/2007 8:55:25 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Saint Cloud, MN
age: 33

why dont you people understand the concept of age range. mine for women is 23 to 34 but im still getting messages from older women. Get the hint this is why there is a thing called age range. Getting hit on by older women is like moving into a rundown house. Youll just have to spend alot of money fixing it up.

7/21/2007 8:59:55 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Columbia, SC
age: 44

Boy your stuck up, but thats your choice, alot of older woman look better and can sure as hell rock your world. So now Ive said my peace.......Tho your not my type, Still had to say something..... JMO..... Beach

7/21/2007 9:00:55 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19 online now!

thats very rude and there r a lot of women who r not young who r more fit and have more going for them than younger ones. people always think my mom is my sis.

old wellbuilt houses r better than new prefabs.

7/21/2007 9:10:46 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Sherman, TX
age: 44

Amen, China! I am in my early 40's and I've dated 'em young for years. Before I added older men to my dating age range, I used to exclusively date 'em young and train 'em. Maybe he is afraid of learning to be a real man. lol. He just doesn't know what he's missing.

7/21/2007 9:15:54 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Rogers, AR
age: 31

Wow you are dumb boy!! Older women have a lot more to offer!! At least they know what you really want. Hell when I was 23 I didn't even know what I liked let alone my man. Do you really want a naive little girl?

7/21/2007 9:18:49 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Sherman, TX
age: 44

What guy would want to date a woman with little life experience? When I was 23, I didn't know what I really wanted. I'd been in college and "in love" half a dozen times with people very different from each other.

7/21/2007 9:23:21 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Cleveland, TN
age: 51

we all have that happen to us, people out of our age range wink or email..its no big deal, just ignore them...

7/21/2007 9:25:16 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Sherman, TX
age: 44

'Don't worry fella, I don't think I'll be emailing you. Your age range is very narrow, though.

7/21/2007 9:25:41 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Sherman, TX
age: 44

Perhaps narrow like your mind?

7/21/2007 9:27:42 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Rogers, AR
age: 31

I have seen much better myself and I fit in his "range" no thanx where's my Yan???

7/21/2007 9:28:25 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Sherman, TX
age: 44

Funny Fairy

7/21/2007 9:31:55 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Scranton, PA
age: 41

km.....don't forget that you will someday be that rundown house as well. no need to be harsh.

7/21/2007 9:33:06 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Sherman, TX
age: 44

Ah, painter. You can't really blame him. He just doesn't know yet.

7/21/2007 9:34:11 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Rogers, AR
age: 31

He already is a rundown house are you looking at the same pic I am lol

7/21/2007 9:34:22 PM The Concept of Age Range.  

Scranton, PA
age: 41

thats true

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