Middle Village, NY
age: 54
Hi to One and All Here at DH Military Veterans Group. Bikerangel3 proud memberof Patriot Guard Riders NY Region 8 . I am so far one of one in the various small Flag Line Ceremonies and thus I have to go to the Ladies Room Alone !!!!! Could some of you other local DH Ladies please join up ,Its Free and also see my pics ,You can come bty car or arrange to ride with another Patriot Guard Member .
If you have ridden in the past 8 yrs it is a piece of cake as the Bikes are more Full Dress as oppossed to Chopped with us Vintage Aged PG Members so a Lady can ride with a PG Gentleman in perfect Comfort and Confidence as the Vintage Guy's are very experienced riders ,so your chances of pot-holes ,Large Bumps with no warning or sudden stop is the most minimal degree possible as no-one likes a hard ride at our age.
It's in Support of ALL OUR TROOPS Irregardless of personal politics (we leave those
home )
It's a nice way to bring comfort and support to Families of Our Fallen Hero's .
Its a nice wy to get out and air out !!!
The People are #1 Good People !!!
I need someone to go to the Ladies Room With !!!

Eupora, MS
age: 65
Can't go to the ladies room with you but some day I would love to ride with the PG. love everyone of them.

Middle Village, NY
age: 54
Thanks LoneSoldier !!! Still looking for Ladies Out there !!! The weather is getting better and we have plenty of spare Flags for anyone who wants to Join in a Flag Line, its fine to come by car and as YOU are Truly !!!! 
[Edited 5/13/2008 5:57:03 PM]