Merrill, WI
age: 46
How do you deal with an ex that has no interest in her children. I've been a single full time parent for 8 months now. My son is 15. How do you justify leaving him home himself so you can have a social life once and a while? Any advise?

Hartland, WI
age: 43
I have raised my kids all by myself. My kids are 13 and 18 and as for a social life for me? If i want to go out i do but mind u i do not go out every nite of the week...i usally pick a saturday nite just for the fact there is no school to worry about or homework etc etc. and i personally think which people may agree or disagree but we as adults need a break and i think kids need a break from there parents. At 15 yrs old he must be going to do things with his friends and trying to establish some independance himself so u away on say a saturday nite he probably is thrilled. Kids understand things more then we give them credit for. My kids i know have never given me problems about going out and i feel they do understand. JMO!

Merrill, WI
age: 46
Thanks for the advise. My son is really just beginning a social life of his own, but I've been a little uncomfortable with some of his friends. I've asked him not to invite them over if I'm not home.