5/13/2008 8:28:30 PM |
Favorite Quotes |

Madison, WI
age: 22
What are some of the quotes that inspire you, make you think, or make you laugh?
Here are some of my favorites:
“We’re too young to realize that certain things are impossible” -Pitt the Younger, Amazing Grace
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead
"When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether or not I am afraid." -Audre Lorde
"We have only today... let us begin." -Mother Teresa
5/14/2008 7:38:23 AM |
Favorite Quotes |

Poplar, WI
age: 44
"If it aint broke, fix it till it is"... Me
"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy"... Red Green
5/14/2008 12:17:57 PM |
Favorite Quotes |

Watertown, WI
age: 51
One of my favs is..Fake it till ya make it.......
5/15/2008 12:25:51 PM |
Favorite Quotes |

Wausau, WI
age: 31
(Yoggie Berra, I hope I spelled it right)
In theory, there is no difference bettween theory and practice. In practice there is.
(my boss)
"It will take us 6 months to idiot proof this, and they will still beat us. Lets put it out there, see how they find to break it, and fix that."
(me on a startup)
"Hello! Im Kris your programmer, Keith is my partner in crime and handles the electrical. This is Todd, hes damage control"
(co-worker to me)
"Dude, I like you and Ill buy you a beer after work. But if you keep tapping your *&%$#ing foot im going to murder you."
(in a so-called think tank)
"God damn it, stop fighting me, and realize the method to my madness is the same as the madness to your method!"
(a conversaion at school)
"ever watched the surreal life? One of the seasons they had Ron Jerremy on there..."
blah blah blah
((talk continues, subjects run into each other, a young n skinny girl none of us know wearing too much makeup comes out. By then the subject has changed to.....))
"the problem with porn, guys watch too much of it and think thats how sex really is"
((buddy looks right at her))
"WHAT? You mean you DON'T need a quarter THAT BAD?!?!"
[Edited 5/15/2008 12:32:12 PM]
5/15/2008 3:58:56 PM |
Favorite Quotes |

Rothschild, WI
age: 48
beam me up scotty theres no intelligent life here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5/18/2008 7:23:28 AM |
Favorite Quotes |
Sullivan, WI
age: 51
I heard this on a CD and not sure who said it. When you seek happiness in yourself,it will elude you,when you seek others you will find it in yourself.
5/18/2008 9:43:56 PM |
Favorite Quotes |

Madison, WI
age: 22
Ooo, I like that one!
5/19/2008 3:33:18 PM |
Favorite Quotes |

La Crosse, WI
age: 25
I hope life isn't a joke, because I don't get it.
- Jack Handy
5/21/2008 6:55:12 PM |
Favorite Quotes |
Green Bay, WI
age: 37
In order to get what you want - you have to be willing to do what you have not done.
5/21/2008 7:05:40 PM |
Favorite Quotes |
Racine, WI
age: 55
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years.
5/21/2008 7:30:01 PM |
Favorite Quotes |

Wausau, WI
age: 56
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your land
May the rain fall soft upon your face
Until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
and may you be in heaven 30 minutes before the devil knows you're dead...
5/24/2008 5:46:11 AM |
Favorite Quotes |

Oshkosh, WI
age: 40
the best way to keep a secert between three poeple is to make sure the other two are dead ben f
5/24/2008 2:50:36 PM |
Favorite Quotes |

Wausau, WI
age: 31
My (brother/cousin/sister-in-law's lesbian friend) is a hit It for the (Chicago/Latino/Russian/New York/Italian/Heck's Angles)
my roomate has / odd relation told me of (choose one)
1: Girl with a tatoo of a cartoon mowing her Y hair
2: Guy with tat of a rooster in a noose "here" so he has a c*ck swinging 3(ish) inches below his knees.
We were going 300+. I would actually believe 2, but I wanna know what route, what kinda bike you ride 
I grinned every time I heard this story,
"You can tell us anything! I had a private tell me he needed to go to Western Union to send his mom money, because she was pregnant with his kid!"
"You have done nothing for the last 5 years but sit in that chair and get fat."
"Your hot. I'm sure you will have no issue *&%$#ing your way into somebody else's life."
[Edited 5/24/2008 2:59:30 PM]
5/25/2008 7:19:48 PM |
Favorite Quotes |
Evansville, WI
age: 68
"Talk is cheap, it takes good money to buy whiskey"
"What ever you do, do it with class."
"A person is only as good as there word."
"If nothing changes, then nothing will change."
[Edited 5/25/2008 7:21:27 PM]
5/25/2008 9:42:26 PM |
Favorite Quotes |

Neenah, WI
age: 23
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"