7/26/2007 5:14:49 AM |
what harm would it do...... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
If we teach children that they were born w/the "gift" of life & love?
If we teach children that there is an almighty God w/the "gift"to love all?
If we teach children that there is not all good things or people(evil)but we all have the "gift" of forgiveness?
If we teach children,when things are'nt going so great,that there is the "gift" of hope?
If we teach children(when they find out about death),that we have the "gift"of a Heaven...and ALL who LOVE the LIFE that GOD has given us,who have HOPE and Forgiveness in their HEART and are KIND to ALL,will go to a HEAVEN and be rewarded w/more "GIFTS" than you could ever imagine!!!!
We as children ourselves once,im sure can remember,the Toothfairy,Easter Bunny,Santa,Birthdays,Good Report Cards and such.The excitement,joy and anticipation was so overwhelming and memorable (GOOD)that we and everyone before us(well most everyone)passed those traditions on to, and wanted our children to share in, the same experiences we so Appreciated! We most times recieved "gifts"on these occasions and the only requirement for us(children)was basically be GOOD!
Alas,they will grow up and face the harsh reality of "LIFE on LIFES TERMS"and THEN they can make a decision on What They want to Believe,but until then,what is the harm in teaching them that there is a God who loves and watches over them(keeps them safe)and just wants them to enjoy and appreciate the "gifts"here on earth first!
Has anyone of you been in therapy or permanently scarred because you did'nt get the "gift" you wanted from the Toothfairy,Santa,Easter Bunny etc....?Are they real?no!Yet we still teach our children about them..Give our kids a chance...Give them the "gift" of God! They will thank you for it later!!!!!I PROMISE!
7/26/2007 6:20:05 AM |
what harm would it do...... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
Yes they will leave home and find out that they could be eaten alive by the rough world we live in...But my quetion was,what is the "HARM"of teaching them to believe now(as children)in a loving God? That He's here, there and everywhere looking over them and keeping them safe and loved,when,mommy or daddy arent there,when a bully teases them,when a best friend gets mad at them and when they close their eyes at night in the dark and are deathly afraid of dying because they dont want to "not be here anymore" and are not taught "not to worry"God WILL take care of them ALLWAYS!!!!! Whats the harm????
7/26/2007 6:32:43 AM |
what harm would it do...... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
Ok,call be brain dead,but....I am not getting your point! My tread is,What would be the harm????? thats it!
7/26/2007 8:06:19 AM |
what harm would it do...... |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
As I understand your question, what harm would there be? Are you asking what harm there would be in deliberately lying to your children, and giving them a false sense of security by believing in a fictitious entity until they are old enough to find out for themselves how bad the world is? For the answer to that question, attempt to have an intelligent conversation with bass13 on these forums, and you will see what harm there would be.
7/26/2007 8:58:11 AM |
what harm would it do...... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
Why must you make it sound like I, as a parent,am deliberately trying to decieve my children in a "HARMful"way? They will find out that the world is not all good(or all bad)and they will have tough choices to make to survive,but teaching them to believe in a God that is kind and caring and insists on respect for Himself and Others,will not taint their decision making.It will only accent on it in a positive way. Peace
7/26/2007 12:31:46 PM |
what harm would it do...... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
My kids may just turn out to be street sweepers,trash collectors or McDonalds french fry slinger but they will be HAPPY & LOVED!!!!!Why because I teach them kindness,openmindedness,right from wrong,good from bad ,how to love and how to be loved,and yes I teach them Fairytails and They are going to heaven!
7/26/2007 8:52:19 PM |
what harm would it do...... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
No, its not restricted to physical harm...Tell me the emotional harm it would truly and realistically inflict on them.
7/27/2007 12:27:57 AM |
what harm would it do...... |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18 online now!
i dont think it would harm them to teach them about love, forgiveness and thinking positive. if they pray to god and never get answers then they might be disappointed but i think most ppl get some answer or guidance thats why religions lasted so long around the whole world. (not just christianity)
7/27/2007 1:44:21 AM |
what harm would it do...... |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
The Four stages of Life
You believe in Santa Claus
You dont believe in Santa Claus
You are Santa Claus
You look like Santa Claus
I'm nearing the end of my journey.
7/27/2007 11:24:36 AM |
what harm would it do...... |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18 online now!
welcome back ol hillbilly
7/27/2007 11:38:32 AM |
what harm would it do...... |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
I wouldn't mind being like Santa, I just wouldn't want to look like him 