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Single Guys in Harrisonburg, VA - wanta_dance Personals

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Single Men Harrisonburg, Virginia, VA, Light Brown Hair, Blue Eyes
 Location: Harrisonburg, Virginia
 Zip Code: 22801
 Age: 60, Pisces
 Height: 6 ft. 1 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Light Brown, Blue
 Body Type: Average
 Ethnicity: Didn't Say
 Religion: Christian/Protestant
 Politics: Not quite sure
 Education: Some College
 Income: Didn't Say
 Job: Other
 Drink: Drink Socially
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Status: Single
 Have Kids: Yes, over 18
 Want More: Didn't Say

I'll get back to this but if you want to know anything just ask, Oh, and I'm
6'-0" not 6'-1" they don't have a 0. I'm also retired, they don't have that choice either.

Personality Type: Strong Silent Type
Want To Find: A woman ages 40 to 55 to date
I Party: Not very often
Turns Me On: A lot of Affection, Boldness, Compassion, Confidence, Good Body, Good Dancer, Good Sense of Humor, Good Sense of Style, Honesty, Intelligence
Turns Me Off: Lack of Affection, Lying, Obsession with Money, Obsession with Power, Sarcasm, Workaholics
Activities I Enjoy: Camping, Chatting Online, Dancing, Fishing, Going to the Movies, Hiking, Surfing the Net, Swimming, Watching TV
Favorite Music: Blues, Country, Folk, Oldies, Pop, R&B, Rock, Rock - Christian, Rock - Classic
Favorite Sports: Bowling
Favorite Foods: Burritos, Cake, Chicken, Chinese, Cookies, Fish, Ham, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Ice Cream, Mexican, Nachos, Pie, Pizza, Ribs, Roast Beef, Sandwiches, Steak, Turkey, Vegetables

Personals I've viewed:
happyface, lisabeth, tj1, sophisticated, staracr

Singles/People who have viewed me:
sioux49, jbs, msgeminii, lisabeth, sparky3333, squaredancer, aqua44