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Single Women in San Antonio, TX - gotz2luvit Personals

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Single Women San Antonio, Texas, TX, Blonde Hair, Green Eyes
 Location: San Antonio, Texas
 Zip Code: 78221
 Age: 30, Cancer
 Height: 5 ft. 1 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Blonde, Green
 Body Type: Above average
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Not quite sure
 Politics: Didn't Say
 Education: Some College
 Income: Didn't Say
 Job: Healthcare
 Drink: Drink Occasionally
 Smoke: Smoke Regularly
 Status: Single
 Have Kids: Yes, living with me
 Want More: Didn't Say

Hey whats going on, well first off let me tell you, im one of those real type females who don't bs around and I tend to be very blunt. Im not looking for a one night stand or a part time man, but a friend. I prefer an african american man because its my preference, not because of all the stories that are told, trust me, it don't go for them all. I do have kids and they always come first, so I don't want a man who will be bothered if I cancel a date to be with them. All in all, you want to know more, hit me up!

Personality Type: Outgoing
Want To Find: A man ages 18 to 30 to date
I Party: Didn't Say
Turns Me On: A lot of Affection, Body Piercings, Compassion, Good Dancer, Good Sense of Humor, Good Sense of Style, Honesty, Intelligence, Tattoos
Turns Me Off: Lack of Affection, Lack of Confidence, Lack of Style, Low Intelligence, Lying, Obsession with Money, Obsession with Power
Activities I Enjoy: Didn't Say
Favorite Music: R&B, Rap, Reggae, Rock
Favorite Sports: Bowling, Football
Favorite Foods: Chicken, Fish, Italian, Lasagna, Salads, Sandwiches

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