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p88hbear  new! Last Online: 12/10/2007 12:31:03 PM
Single Women Hudson, Florida, FL, Blonde Hair, Green Eyes
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 Location: Hudson Florida
 Zip Code: 34667
 Age: 34, Sagittarius
 Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Blonde, Green
 Body Type: Average
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Christian
 Politics: Conservative
 Education: Bachelor's Degree
 Income: Didn't Say
 Job: Hospitality/Tourism
 Drink: Drink Occasionally
 Smoke: Smoke Occasionally
 Status: Single
 Have Kids: Yes, living with me
 Want More: Didn't Say

Dear Santa:

I have been a good girl all year and I only want one thing for Christmas ~ a good guy. So here is my wish list of all things I would like for you put into him and then place him under my tree on Christmas Eve. Oh, and I promise to take good care of him too! Here goes:

1. As you know, I am a good Southern girl so please do not put anyone under my tree who is expecting to "score" on the first couple of dates. I love sports as much as the next person and I get that it is a back-handed compliment of sorts but that is one goal that will not happen. A gentleman will understand this and remember that good things come to those who wait.

2. Please make him light-hearted and easy going. I love to indulge in the relaxing things in life and take pride in the fact that I am a bit goofy. I have never met a stranger so he needs to be comfortable in his own skin, just as I am in mine.

3. He must love kids. Some of his own are good but he has to love mine, although he won't meet them until I think it is right. Nothing to take offense by, just don't want random men meeting the most precious people in my life until I'm sure of everything.

4. I like to be spoiled so please give him a romantic heart. Spoiling doesn't even cost any money, just a bit of effort. Like those sweet text messages when I wake up, a call just to say he was thinking about me or a random note left where I will find it unexpectedly, kisses on my forehead just because... they all make me melt with a sigh. Curled up on the coach with my head in his lap while he strokes my hair is the sweetest thing to me... I guess I believe in fairy tales and romantic comedies, all I want is my own happy ending.

5. Please make him stable, intelligent, financially secure and funny. I have supported many a man and would rather know that he can take care of himself. I want someone who "wants" me, not "needs" me... I know you understand the difference.

That's all I am asking for and I know you can deliver, you've never let me down before! Just remember these things are my top priority and very dear to my heart. The rest of it will fall in place since I don't really have a "type"... just an ideal.

Thank you, Santa. Be sure to find the extra special home made cookies on the entry table... I made them just for you.




Here is what you can tell him he can expect from me. I am a good semi-old fashioned Southern girl next door. I know how a lady is supposed to act and conduct myself accordingly. This doesn't mean I am not up for a game of touch football in the backyard after a good cook out. Count me in and I'll slip into my jeans, ponytail and ballcap ready to go! I also know that if you tell me we are fixing to go somewhere, I can be ready in about 10 minutes. I don't need to "put on my face" because God gave me one that works pretty well and doesn't need to have a bunch of goo slapped on it to make it presentable. If I ever do wear make-up, you really can't tell... and isn't that the point? I love to wear skirts and 3" heels but I have an even greater love of wandering around barefoot. I know how to treat a man the way he needs and wants to be treated, in all areas.

I am comfortable with who I am and where I am in life. I have been single for three years and where it does have it's advantages, I am ready to find the love of my life. I am ready to settle down and build a lasting relationship. My parents are great role models since they have been happily married for almost 40 years. They still hold hands, my mom is still the sexiest thing my dad has ever laid eyes on, he is still my mom's hero and she giggles like a school girl when they whisper together in the kitchen. That is what I want... do you?

Personality Type: Outgoing
Want To Find: A man ages 34 to 44 to date
I Party: Not very often
I Like:
cooking, family, friends, general silliness, good food, laughing, movies, music, playing with my kids, reading, shopping, Walt Disney World

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More Pictures
2 year old attacked me screaming "Say Cheese Mama... Say Cheese!"
My eldest and I attended the Pirate and Princess party the night prior... can you tell?
My hero and my boss... yeah, I know... coolest thing ever!
Silly people watching Disney on Ice... poorly disguised super hero... tough call.
Everyone neat and pretty?
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