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Single Woman in McKinney, TX - jchcdead Personals

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Single Women McKinney, Texas, TX, Dark Brown Hair, Other Eyes
 Location: McKinney, Texas
 Zip Code: 75070
 Age: 21, Scorpio
 Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Dark Brown, Other
 Body Type: Athletic
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Christian
 Politics: Liberal
 Education: Some College
 Income: Less than $25,000
 Job: Education
 Drink: Don't Drink
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Status: Single
 Have Kids: No
 Want Kids: Didn't Say

(no description provided)

Personality Type: Very Outgoing
Want To Find: A man ages 18 to 28 to date
I Party: Didn't Say
Turns Me On: A lot of Affection, Body Piercings, Boldness, Compassion, Good Sense of Humor, Honesty, Intelligence, Tattoos
Turns Me Off: Lack of Confidence, Low Intelligence, Obsession with Money, Obsession with Power
Activities I Enjoy: Didn't Say
Favorite Music: Didn't Say
Favorite Sports: Didn't Say
Favorite Foods: Didn't Say

Personals I've viewed:
jose2007, hotukyboy, romeo27, latinlaw, search4soulmate, ray301, hotguy2c

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texasdjmaster, blackhawk240, fernando1, buckeye81, speedunit, updairycowboy, meka111133

More Pictures
Last year's prom
Right after I got my beloved ford Exploder
Marching band: My Big Fat Greek Halftime Show-- we wore black Converse hitops and baseball caps!