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Single Women in Lake Wales, FL - simplyreal Personals

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simplyreal   Last Online: 1/19/2007 2:51:01 PM
Single Women Lake Wales, Florida, FL, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes
 Location: Lake Wales, Florida
 Zip Code: 33859
 Age: 41, Aquarious
 Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Blonde, Blue
 Body Type: Average
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Christian
 Politics: Conservative
 Education: High School
 Income: Less than $25,000
 Job: Telecommunications
 Drink: Drink Socially
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Status: Single
 Have Kids: Yes, living with me
 Want More: Didn't Say

I am simply looking for a "good guy" who knows what he
wants at "this point" in his life ~ I am just as simple and as real as I look, if yer interested, please respond!

Personality Type: Shy
Want To Find: A man ages 35 to 45 to date
I Party: Didn't Say
Interests: Didn't Say

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shuky2254, harrison40, latin725, pyzzolini007, jerry501, billybuc, reefman

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horseguy, twojetsfla06, flightline1952, spiritual1, timmartins, shuky2254, reefman

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