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msbojangles1961   Last Online: Today
Single Women Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, PA, Dark Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
 Location: Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
 Zip Code: 15211
 Age: 49, Aries
 Height: 5 ft. 2 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Dark Brown, Brown
 Body: Average
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Christian
 Politics: Not quite sure
 Education: High School
 Income: $25,000 - $50,000
 Job: Healthcare
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Has Kids: Yes, not living with me
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Friends describe me as quiet, sensitive, caring, adventurous and young at heart.
My work with autistic children and handicapped adults leaves me feeling humbled and grateful. If we could all spend just one day in their shoes, the world would be a kinder, less cynical place. These individuals, which most look down upon, have taught me more than I could have ever taught them.
My children are grown up(mostly,lol). What an adventure it was raising them. I am proud of the strong women they are today. As they are just starting on their life's journey, I am now beginning the next phase of mine. it. Rain, playing in it, dancing, splashing, walking,swimming., boating, skipping rocks. The Ocean.....the sound, the smell, the feel of the sea spray on your skin. Water parks....warm sun, the smell of tanning oils, children's laughter, ice cold cokes. Hot bubble baths, hot tubs, hot steamy showers..... of life's simple pleasures.
Motorcycles....not a biker chick looking for a biker dude. Just a gal who loves the feel of the wind on my face and the sun on my back. From Harleys to crotch rockets to dirt bikes and quads. I love them all.
Looking for a man who likes long country drives with no destination. Someone down to earth, kind and gentle. Men in hats are sexy, ball caps, cowboys hats, Indiana Jones type hats. Bald is good, long hair.. no problem....its all good. Love a man with facial hair.
I hope that after reading this that you will have a sense of who I am. Words are cold and lifeless. I hope that some of my warmth shines through.
If you are a good hearted,man who thinks that there are no good women left out there....we are here.... I have been waiting for you.

Want To Find: A man ages 45 to 55 to date
I Like:
antiquing, bald headed men, beaches, boating, camping, children, comedy clubs, cooking, country music, cowboys, fishing, flea markets, four wheeling, gardening, hiking, horses, hot tubs, ice cream, italian food, jeeps, las vegas, live bands, log cabins, long country drives, mini coopers, motorcycles, movies, mustashes, photography, poetry, reading, romance, sea food, slot machines, slow dancing, sunsets, travel, tv
My Groups: 40's 50+
My Discussions:
I can't believe he asked me that! (230 replies) 10/03/10
What is a Troll? (37 replies) 09/30/10
must be doing something wrong (2 replies) 08/18/10
Hello. new and confused with the whole dating site thing! (11 replies) 08/18/10
view all of my: discussions (4) | posts (58)

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Me and a dear friend. I had not seen him in years.
My new Jeep Wrangler!