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Single Man in Tampa, FL - lr2147 Personals

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lr2147   Last Online: 1/12/2007 9:12:01 AM
Single Men Tampa, Florida, FL, Salt and Pepper Gray Hair, Hazel Eyes
 Location: Tampa, Florida
 Zip Code: 33613
 Age: 60, Aquarious
 Height: 6 ft. 2 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Salt and Pepper Gray, Hazel
 Body Type: Above average
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Jewish
 Politics: Not quite sure
 Education: Bachelor's Degree
 Income: Didn't Say
 Job: Healthcare
 Drink: Drink Socially
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Status: Divorced
 Have Kids: Yes, over 18
 Want More: Not Sure

I am one the hopeful romantic seeking that special lady to enter our next stage of life. I enjoy snuggling, cuddling, holding nands, walking on the beach, sunsets and cooking WITH someone Are you out there? War, affectionate

Personality Type: Strong Silent Type
Want To Find: A woman ages 50 to 60 to date
I Party: Didn't Say
I Like:
affectiionate, monogamous, SOH..., Warm

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