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Hot Single Men in Mars Hill, ME - alltalkno Personals

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alltalkno  new! Last Online: 1/12/2007 10:14:01 AM
Single Men Mars Hill, Maine, ME, Gray Hair, Hazel Eyes
 Location: Mars Hill, Maine
 Zip Code: 04758
 Age: 54, Pisces
 Height: 6 ft. 0 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Gray, Hazel
 Body Type: A few extra pounds
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Christian
 Politics: Conservative
 Education: Bachelor's Degree
 Income: Less than $25,000
 Job: Other
 Drink: Drink Regularly
 Smoke: Smoke Regularly
 Status: Single
 Have Kids: Yes, over 18
 Want More: No

We all have something to share of ourselves. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

Personality Type: Outgoing
Want To Find: A woman ages 18 to 80 to date
I Party: Not very often
I Like:
Bargain Hunting, Computers, Cooking, Homebody, Off-the-Grid, Oldies

Personals I've viewed:
ruby0877, cuddlebear49, catgirl28, keniston, nowready, soxfan04, wyntersangel

Singles/People who have viewed me:
cokecolabear7, mattyta62, ruby0877, golflady07, northerngal, bluebird286, cuddlebear49

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