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Single Women in Fort Wayne, IN - annabell4 Personals

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annabell4  new! Last Online: 1/6/2007 1:52:01 PM
annabell4 does not have any pictures
 Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
 Zip Code: 46808
 Age: 28, Scorpio
 Height: 5 ft. 4 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Dark Brown, Brown
 Body Type: A few extra pounds
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Not quite sure
 Politics: Liberal
 Education: High School
 Income: Less than $25,000
 Job: Healthcare
 Drink: Drink Occasionally
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Status: Single
 Have Kids: Yes, living with me
 Want More: Didn't Say

Iam a 28 year old single mom of two I enjoy watching movie and spend with my girls I like to go out and have a few and dance occasionally.
i have been working in healthcare for about 10 years I love what I do.
iam looking for someone that is responsible and enjoys having fun.

Personality Type: Shy
Want To Find: A man ages 28 to 35 to date
I Party: Didn't Say
Interests: Didn't Say

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