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treev   Last Online: 11/16/2007 7:37:51 PM
Single Women Lexington, Oklahoma, OK, Gray Hair, Brown Eyes
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 Location: Lexington, Oklahoma
 Zip Code: 73051
 Age: 61, Pisces
 Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Gray, Brown
 Body Type: Above average
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Christian
 Politics: Moderate
 Education: Some College
 Income: $25,000 - $50,000
 Job: Accounting/Auditing
 Drink: Don't Drink
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Status: Widowed
 Have Kids: Yes, not living with me
 Want More: No

I have been widowed now for six years and I am just entering the dating market. I am a very self assured, positive, active and busy woman. I am very independent by choice and busy with the Southern Gospel singing group that I am a part of as organizer and manager. This group does at least 80 to 100 concerts per year along with our 40 hour a week jobs. I want to include someone in my life and I am hoping that I can meet someone that will blend and enjoy my interest as well as I can enjoy his interest. I am a tall woman and find that I am more attracted to men taller than myself. I have a lot of different interest but music is my strongest interest and ministry. I have been told that I am very attractive (but that was by my mother) although I do not see myself in that manner but I am interested in men that take good physical care of themselves. I enjoy sports (basketball being my greatest interest since that is the sport that I played) but I like them all. I do have a lot to offer in a relationship and I have a tendency to spoil the man of my life but I really think they should know that someone cares for them. I might add that I am very against dating a smoker---sorry but I am the only one to look after my health. Waiting for that right man to e-mail.

Personality Type: Outgoing
Want To Find: A man ages 59 to 65 to date
I Party: Didn't Say
I Like:
doing anything outdoors, going to movies, my six grandsons!, reading, sewing, singing, swimming, walking, working

Personals I've viewed:
1neokie, stilkickn, blazinsun59, manindenver, kansaskritter, djjazz, jimmie201

Singles/People who have viewed me:
blrver, reddy2go, blazinsun59, stilkickn, charliecos, peanuts51, djjazz

More Pictures
Me with short hair!
My sister and myself (I am the one standing)
taken 11/1/07
"Mr. Tree" taking care of Tree
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