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Being handicapable in a walking world
by hotwheel69 at 9/23/2012 9:01:22 PM

Hello my name is Mike Nichols. I was born handicapable. I had determined parents that proved to the doctors that I could walk. I was given an 8% chance to live past 5 years old. I am now 34 years old. I was in a theraputic horse back riding program when I was 5 years old and learned to swim in the ocean. That to is very theraputic. I was taking gymnastics for a year when I was 6 years old. I have been in the cub scouts and the boy scouts. I got good grades when I concentrated. I was born with arthrograposis (which is just a big word for my leg muscles can't grow very big.) I also have scoliosis( curvature of the spine) I was also born with hydropsyphalia (water on the brain). I am also near sited and I have ADD. So the first 12 years of my life I used a combination of a walker and a pair of crutches. Then I had my scoliosis surgery when I was 12 years old and switched to a manual wheelchair. I have overcome a lot in an able bodied world and have seen positive adaptions in my every day life catering to the handicaped. I am looking forward to the new inventions to come. For now I am making my stand in this by starting a non-profit organization called Sands Of Mobility to help raise money for beach and all-terrain wheelchairs all around the world.


9/23/2012 9:02:49 PM

Bless you! You are truly an inspiration and make us thankful for the things we take for granted!

9/23/2012 9:10:49 PM

I love the person you are!..You are very determined and that's what it takes!..Good Luck and God Bless You!..

9/23/2012 11:07:42 PM

God blessed us all on the day you were born, now I wish you one more blessing, to achieve what you want in life! Best of luck to you!