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Just read a friends post that i agree with 
by werewolfangel at 4/4/2013 12:11:40 PM

It was stating a question as to why women date other women who act and look like men and that she was wondering if they were confused
[quoteheader]Quote from holdupluv:[/quoteheader]
A woman is more sexy than a man to us lesbians. If a woman dresses like a man, it doesn't matter. A woman is always wanted to a lesbian because of the way her mind processes information, the smoothness of her body, the love she has to give, she makes you feel needed and wanted, because she is at the same maturity level, because she has the same interests, because she understands you, Another woman will not be able to tell you to get in the kitchen and be sexist to you, because she most likely thinks with her heart too... Those are things a man can not give a lesbian woman. Once you become a lesbian you will see a huge difference between the way a man will treat you and how a woman will. A woman Is more open with her feelings and most women are attracted to someone who can pour out their heart. And some women are attracted to studs or tomboys because they want someone to make them feel safe, protected, like a princess in the relationship, or the sexy look of the stud or tomboy is more appealing to some women because they themselves are so Girly and want to be the more
Girly one in the relationship, or want to pick someone who is most relatable to themselves (this
May include choosing someone with the same style).
So think about your question.. Then ask yourself why you have been attracted to certain people from your past. It's not much different.
PS.. Just had to add on to this post in hopes of getting through to those who ask questions without thinking. 