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Always something these days.
by schwarzekatz at 4/18/2013 11:19:24 PM

Well i can say that i needed time away... i seems like maybe it wasnt time to resurface now either. I'm feelin pretty old like a dilapidated building broken n all. My emotions are so totally exaggerated i dont know why... like i take things far to serious, and i just dont get over shit sometimes, to the detriment of my physical and subsequently mental health. Ahg, i hurt... and this isnt metaphoric, i literally hurt, my back is killing me. i didnt realize stress could make your back hurt. like holy crap... i gets no relief these days, but i guess i deserve it. ive done some pretty miserly things lately. So maybe its is Gods pay back. so i am remorseful, but still, im so ready for this crap to be over with...
on a brighter note, i will be moving, into a pretty nice sized house now, with a pool n such really soon, annnnnnd i am still on for the trip to Europe in the summer. I just praymy passport gets here before i move. YESSSS! sooo grateful for that. And i am still friends with my Ex, we are like best buds, but it still sucks i cant have everything i want, at least i still have friendship, so i am happy with that.