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The uncertainty of instability .
by schwarzekatz at 6/3/2013 9:33:58 PM

So right in the thick of living, I've realized that, its interesting being, and existing, all rather exhausting as well. I fit, and fight wanting more experience, more out of my life than actuality . I get caught in a perpetual struggle between future aspirations, and the present currency. Sure I think the worth of my entirety will be valued quite highly eventually. But what is at cost now? Gradually I begin to decline into this morose slumber, ebbing away in to paranoia and anxiety. Perhaps stress is a motivator... and then again so is gratification, however both of which objects are projections, not wholly attached to me or my being. Why should any of my feelings about the current time have any influences on the future, what will be will be right? Que Sera Sera...

I cannot say that I fear the future, or that I long for it either. What I am seeing is that now, is prized . Value is within current reflection and this is the time of my life, today is the person that will make tomorrow. In the pitfalls and delays, the set backs and short comings, all is truly associated with now. It may be that fortune smiles upon the free spirit that lives so vicariously on the pendulum of progression/stagnation. It might just be the character by such circumstance that bonds the jewels in the crown of success one day; However I am still on the road, still living, still swinging back and forth.


6/3/2013 10:03:19 PM

Soar in greater heights like an Eagle and enjoy the view

6/3/2013 11:27:40 PM

Chin up, stay strong & rock on Can tell it came from deep within and had true power & emotion in it. You will find where you want to go & with effort and time will one day end up there. Best wishes & love this entry. It's by far one of the more open & honest of the ones i have seen on here in a long time. Star

6/4/2013 10:56:57 PM

Thanks Guys for the support, its just those times, when i catch my self bellying the hopes for the future and forget about living for today. its insane, but it might just be that we as individual look back on these days and laugh about how simple and great our lives really were.