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I've been underestimated 
by irene808 at 6/15/2013 2:55:15 PM

I though I was going to have a quiet evening last night. But Tala had friends visiting from the main land so I was invited over for a card game.
I don't play cards, don't know anything about cards. The first game we played, they were teaching me how to play. Than the money games followed after and I lost all four games. I thought no biggy $20. small thing. It was $5. a game. The friends from the main land got greedy so the two raised the bar to $5. more a game. Tala was exited and his friends were evil and I was just like. Oh come on now people I'm slow. Lavender was just laughting her head off. Enjoying her drinks and I'm sober as can be.
I won all four games and Lavender was like, OMG you can buy me a drink. The two fast ones from New York and Washington State was like "never under estimate a turtle.