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Illegals shouldn't be here. It's my opinion not yours.
by alexandra_patti at 7/7/2013 3:33:29 PM

(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)


7/7/2013 3:34:48 PM

Very True!!!!!

7/7/2013 3:36:51 PM

Amen sister!!

7/7/2013 3:37:57 PM

Might want to check with a state social worker as last time I checked with lady I dated no social security number no benefits

7/7/2013 3:58:57 PM

I totally agree. I've been looking for a job here in Colorado for 2 years and the big reason why I'm having such a hard time is because of the f'n illegals here. Either that or you have to be f'n bilingual to work somewhere here. Like really, when my grandfather moved here to the states he spoke nothing but German, nobody catered to him. He had to learn English in order to make it. Things should be that way now damn it. I shouldn't have so much f'n trouble finding a job, I shouldn't have to be bilingual to get a job either.

7/7/2013 4:07:41 PM

Guess what? Your illegal to because this isnt your country. We are all immigrants and there is no such thing as an illegal human being. You dont pay for nothing, your taxes are stolen from you and you have no say. Taxes pay for useless parks, new cop cars and courthouses not needed, police make 70 grand a year to text on the phone and direct traffic, so many things. Most immigrants work harder than lazy a** american citizens, so your opinion is ignorant and not well thought out

7/7/2013 4:09:30 PM

But if you want to get technical this land was built on immigrants. Irish, Italian , polish etc. and they are extremely good workers. While we take our weekends and holidays off they are working hard 24/7. And if they are taking your job than maybe you should work harder.

7/7/2013 4:11:09 PM

I'm not illegal because I was born in THIS COUNTRY baldy

7/7/2013 4:14:50 PM

Your right, your not because human beings arent illegal but you are an immigrant. I know Im bald thanks for noticing.

7/7/2013 4:20:49 PM

Hey Mr Fitness. Its sad when they come to America and get free housing and free schooling and food stamps and Medical and never work a day in America. Why should I pay for it. Are own people who need it can't get it. Its not right. And I am tired of paying high taxes for shit like that.

7/7/2013 4:23:31 PM


7/7/2013 4:30:23 PM

Most of them work whether its under the table or not, who gives a shit. Theres nothing wrong with helping human beings, lazy a** americans are helped everyday. Again its not your money you dont pay for shit the money is stolen from you if it was yours then you would have a choice

7/7/2013 4:33:19 PM

Its my money you a-s-s h-o-l-e. You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

7/7/2013 4:34:29 PM

If it is your money then tell the government what your going to pay and what your not going to pay you moron

7/7/2013 4:37:32 PM

White ppl dnt really kno about immigration and "illegal" situations they've had it so easy all their life that all they can do is talk shit. We do wat we have to so to survive and get wat we need meanwhile all u just complain and are ALL lazy.

7/7/2013 4:37:59 PM

Shut the F-u-c-k up. Go back to your mommy and daddy house until you are ready to come out in the real world.

7/7/2013 4:38:43 PM

Another Illegal Looser!!!

7/7/2013 4:39:29 PM

Thats what i thought you have no answer for it you dipshit

7/7/2013 4:43:12 PM

Losers like you who work for 7 dollars a hour and live in apartments made for 3 people you have 16 people in the same apartment. You live like rats you are dirty people.

7/7/2013 4:46:36 PM

Newsflash! It's NOT the Mexicans that are ruining this country's our OWN government. Where will you run to when the shit hits the fan? Or will YOU stand up??? Doubtful..........

7/7/2013 4:50:29 PM

Sireena I was just gonna say something similar to that dipshit. Well said, the government is destroying this country and stealing money from us

7/7/2013 4:50:32 PM

If your talking to me Miss Sireena I will be the guy with the assault rifle in my hand ready to fight.

7/7/2013 4:52:41 PM

Because dip shits like you keep voting for the same idiots . So nothing changes it just gets worst.

7/7/2013 4:53:28 PM

And I'll be just the gal to take you down to the ground pal....but you'll like it!!!

7/7/2013 4:54:42 PM

You think your vote matters? The people dont put noone into office. Presidents are selected not elected. You should really educate your mind

7/7/2013 4:55:37 PM

im learning to like cilantro

7/7/2013 4:59:31 PM

Ha ha Sireena.Mr Fitness I leave in a heavy Democrat State. And your right my vote don't matter in this state because its filled with liberals who believe in there government what ever they say they believe the government. They are stupid people.

7/7/2013 4:59:38 PM

Just ask Allen West about "rigged" elections. That Florida election was a shameless sham!

7/7/2013 5:00:33 PM


7/7/2013 5:04:13 PM

Sireena! I know that the Government is corrupt. I am ready for a big change in are government. Because its out of control. Do we do what Egypt did?????? I mean throw everybody out of office.

7/7/2013 5:05:50 PM

But I do agree that our government has everything to do with it. Draven told me about some guys workin border control that shot at Mexican folks crossing the border into the US, they ended up getting fired and locked up for doing their job, yet the government yells for tighter border control.HELLO!!!

7/7/2013 5:11:08 PM

couldnt have built the housing bubble without them ! to labor intensive as opposed to tech bubbles

7/7/2013 5:16:02 PM

No pal, I don't believe a coup is the answer, too much blood shed. What needs to happen is EDUCATION! People are oblivious to how the government is run and/or who runs it. They just don't care...Secondly, the moral fiber of America has been shit on and it stinks! It's a free-f**k-for-all and it's okay to rip an innocent fetus from the womb but don't you dare be the owner of a gun! WTF??? It's so absurd, it's almost comical! THAT'S IT! AMERICA IS A CARTOON!!!!

7/7/2013 5:22:25 PM

But to change it. Its going to half to be a big blood shed so the Government knows we are serious about changing it. Other then that it will never change. It keeps getting worst by the day.

7/7/2013 5:27:29 PM

Let's face it, the government is f**ked up, they're f**king the American people over plain and simple.

7/7/2013 5:28:37 PM

I hear you on that Miss Pagan and so true.

7/7/2013 5:29:34 PM

@Rox,,Casper is a cartoon,, Both of em

7/7/2013 5:30:03 PM

Sorry Miss Pattie for getting out of control and for swearing on your blog.

7/7/2013 5:32:34 PM

And the Window person is a women acting like a guy. So beware its a women your talking too.

7/7/2013 5:34:30 PM

@Caspers are afraid of a pic much less a mexican,,,,

7/7/2013 5:37:11 PM

Go and shave that Mustache and your arm pits and your legs.

7/7/2013 5:40:42 PM

This thing is turning into a taco blog

7/7/2013 5:41:56 PM


7/7/2013 5:43:29 PM

Your N-a-s-t-y!!!!!!!

7/7/2013 5:44:14 PM

Miss just,"

7/7/2013 5:47:37 PM

More like Miss virgin Windows.

7/7/2013 5:53:32 PM

Hello Ray darling! How are you sweetie?

7/7/2013 5:57:50 PM

Hi Rox,, I'm doing well

7/7/2013 9:27:49 PM

Well I'll chime in here, lets face it ...the American Indians had this land first, the Mexican's then started to move in little by little, English settlers moved in and took over the land .... as we settled America, the exact thing we fled from we became, we just expanded. Now blame the government for allowing immigration and encouraging it. Promoting America as the free country to live .... The government complains about boarder control, yet gives them free rights, medical coverage that even our own can't get .... Why? Because even Bush Jr hired them to work his own oil fields ... once again I'll say f**k the government

7/7/2013 9:39:42 PM

George w.Bush ruined us for good ...wasteful spending, and Co conspirator w/ the patriots - Illuminati that we're behind the 911 attacks ... You who still believe in America have the wool pulled over your eyes ...the only thing that this country is heading for is rascal diversity and a revolution ....

7/7/2013 10:49:30 PM

Kinda upsetting how ya'll think this way, because it is what it is being that it's the 21st century... It's also sad at how the adopted americans migrated there to the US that originally belongs to the native indigenous people-Red American Indians, that had many of their land bribed out of them from raping of their women, killing innocent civilian warriors who only wanted to protect what belonged to them with the trade of alcohol and weapons.... So I know how it was, because it has happened here with the indigenous people of Australia and New Zealand. As we speak, the people here are fighting it in the judicial courts trying to get what rightfully belongs to them, they never knew what was going on back in the old days, only the white men knew and as far as I'm concerned... The white man is blamed for all illegal faults not us... jmo though.

7/7/2013 11:09:04 PM

We are a nation of immigrants. The only person who has a beef at all with other immigrants are the First Nations.

@justapal: is it also sad when certain population is on welfare all their lives, keep on producing more kids so the benefits last, and this goes from generation to generation? What is welfare system other than getting something for nothing?

You're barking up the wrong tree


7/7/2013 11:11:47 PM

Oftentimes people start talking about the "illegals" and then go on lumping in anyone who had a misfortune to look like Mexicans. Even if that person works in the healthcare field in which the background search is performed prior to hiring. There are many undocumented Canadians in the northern states, scads of undocumented Armenians in the Greater Boston area, undocumented Irish are all over the place. Granted, the Hispanic population is the focus point, but people are here from all over - including the old Soviet Union.

Furthermore, not all Mexicans are undocumented. Can you imagine a Mexican person who is American citizen? I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is negative. This however takes place more often than not. I used to date a Mexican man who was a U.S. citizen; whenever some jerk asked him at work about his green card, he'd reply, I have a PINK card. Do you know what a pink card is? C'mon now, what else a man would be bragging about?


7/7/2013 11:12:51 PM

I don't know how that smile ended up in the wrong place - was meant to be at the end. After the question mark.
online now!

7/7/2013 11:20:17 PM

ALL Florida elections are a shameless sham,ask AL GORE??

7/8/2013 3:41:48 AM

You Liberals need to get your story straight. I never said Mexicans.::mockeery:: The welfare system is there for people who need it. It cost the Taxpayers over 80 thousand dollars a year for each person who is on welfare. Housing- Medical- Food stamps and so on.

7/8/2013 4:43:34 AM

If someone wants to come to this country, then do so legally. If you want to move to another country then learn the language of the country you move to, don't expect them to learn yours. I mean it's sad that illegals can get driver's licenses, public assistance, and so on while people who were born and raised here cannot get squat when they fall on hard times. Obviously illegals are willing to work harder because they cannot find a "regular" job like you and I because the fact they are illegal and continuosly ducking the law. Then on top of that the government continuosly finds ways to give hard working citizens the shaft while padding their own wallets and while it also seems the illegals and the lazy reap the benefits of the whole fiasco.

7/8/2013 9:33:03 AM

There are no such thing as immigrants..there's no such thing as countries. Division is for the blind and borders are an illusion. Mexico is connected to America , it's One in the same. America is out of money because they waste all of it trying control everyone and everything. Don't blame foreigners, blame the ones trying to convince you to hate a certain class of citizens. Jobs are running out because the population has boomed 7.5 billion an counting. Immigrants or not , this is what's Supposed to happen

7/8/2013 10:31:00 AM

No problem if you can take care of your children, some don't know how to do anything else other than produce for a living!! I see a lot of people here in Texas doing it!! After we help the U.S. citizens then I have no problem helping people that were'nt born in the states. They should'nt come first though Was at Walmart, (about a year ago), asked an employee for help... they could'nt even speak English... come on...