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the gray matter
by realone4u2day at 7/30/2013 10:17:26 AM

Stirring the gray matter and making one hell of a mess. Yeah I like playing with peoples heads. I'll crank up Rush Limbaugh just to get a reaction.
G. Gordon Liddy used to do it when I worked with a bunch of lesbos. Now I'm stirring the pot again. Some idiot is going to read this and just can't help but comment.
You can't help it. It's in you dna.


7/30/2013 12:13:55 PM

DH has more than a few of you around here,, Sorry,, Not a big surprise,,

8/2/2013 8:27:57 PM

Oh no you went and said the L word, lol! You surely will get a comment on that or two!

8/5/2013 11:57:13 AM

I wrote this thread as a joke after being called a redneck, far right wing Christian fundamentalist neocon. Well I'm all of that. It was the libs who nailed Christ to the cross.