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It's time for another rant and rave
by sammael at 10/25/2013 11:01:27 PM

Ok, so I went over to Lowes to check out BBQs. Since the BBQing season is almost over I figured that the prices would be lower than in the summer. Anyways, I get back out to my car and the battery had died. I wondered around the parking lot for almost 2 f**king hours asking for a jump. Not a soul would help. I got all kinds of excuses and bullshit lies. One lady even said that she wouldn't help because she had a baby in the car that she had to get home. There was no car seat let alone baby in that $120,000 car. One guy pulled into the parking spot right next to me and when I asked him, he flipped me off and pulled out to park in another spot further away from the doors of the store.
Finally, a man and his ol lady pulled into the spot right in front of my car. I asked him if he could give me a jump. He didn't even hesitate. He popped his Hood and starred to reach for his cables. I told him that I have cables, and he said that he already had his in hand. It turned out that the battery was completely dead. We had to let it charge for about 15minutes.
After I finally got my car started, I offered the man last $2 cash I had in my pocket for his time and and gas used. He refused my offer.
Out of everyone I had asked for help, it was the one and only person who you could tell was not well off. All the other $120k f**kers couldn't give a flying f**k about you. But the one person driving the 30year beat up van was the only one to help and not want anything in return.
In the year that I've lived on the North End of Colorado Springs CO, that man was the ONLY one I've met or seen who was nice and helpful.
Every single one of those New Money f**ks appear to think that the world revolves around them alone. And anyone else is simply nonexistent. Even the Old Money folks in the Broadmoor would have been more helpful. In my old neighborhood on the South End would've been helpful, including the gang bangers who wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in you would've helped.