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by deepthoughts333 at 2/2/2014 7:41:47 AM

It's only one race. ..Human Race...but listen.........
Hate is at an all time high....fighting, killing, stupidity, lack of common sense, most of us are followers, Leaders are few, to help a fellow man is a thing of the past. , we all know the struggle is hard, I see many people playing the part, wanting to help, posting job sites to help others,, car club having fun, meeting up with little to no drama, that's what we need in this world. ..GIVIN BACK....CLEAN UP THE COMMUNITY AND OUR MINDS. Our kids are being mislead by SatanS tactics, he want all of us destroyed...so what better way but to use what we like against us. What happen to the go gettas, the hustlers? Now we got the lazy, the take from others, stealing, robbing, even if you can't help or give, guess what..praying for that person is very helpful. We need to do better, Single mothers....i see you...men if ya have kids, spend time with them, teach them, mold them into what they should be, read with them, help them to understand where they came from....where their going......show them that hard work now pays off, you may hate the other parent, but ultimately this isn't about you both, the child sees that, you 2 back and forth, cursing, fighting. ..well guess what he learned in a matter of minutes....let kids be kids, to have normal lives....to have fun while they still have time....ok I'm done for now.....THE THOUGHTS OF MR . WILLIAMS