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SYNOPSIS Of Israel Trip - Part 2
by knittinkitten at 10/7/2008 10:55:51 PM

The hotels appeared full…many tourists…not as many Americans, but, we were not alone. There were throngs of pilgrims from Europe, Australia, Russia and many other parts of the world. The streets and the markets were crowded and bustling…It was, of course, during Ramadan…and the Old City of Jerusalem was a sea of Muslims, on their pilgrimage. I never had a moment of apprehension as far as my safety was concerned. Even our drive through the Arab territories was “business as usual”….
Your trip to the Palmach Museum, which explained the underground movement to us…and, your poignant memories of your time spent defending your country, including your injury, again stressed the need for some way to have people get along. Sadly, that may never happen, but I have faith.
Sum up my thoughts of our trip, in a FEW words….IMPOSSIBLE…..but, I can tell you that this is one trip I will ALWAYS remember. Thanks, Eli…for the opportunity you gave us to share something so very important.
One last thought is that I now have a much better understanding of how deeply this country is imbedded in the minds and the hearts of all its people…I saw Christians, Muslims and Jews, speaking each others language, living their lives, conducting their business and their religious ceremonies (it was Ramadan), and they all appeared peaceful. What can the rest of us do to help it truly BE that way.? The Holy Land belongs to all of us…it’s where we all got our beginnings. This you taught us when we studied The Lost Tribes of Israel....there's a little of THEM in all of US. Surely there must be a way.