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What to expect.
by wsprs0nthewind at 3/28/2009 10:29:04 AM

When you read my profile I want you to keep one word in mind in relation to who I am. That word is FREEDOM. Yes, that’s right, freedom. I want any guy that comes into my life to know that he has the freedom to come into my world and he has the freedom to leave it if he realizes I am no the woman for him. I won’t try to change him, I won’t nag him, I won’t plead with him to be different, I won’t text him repeatedly, I won’t call excessively wondering where he is at, I won’t stalk him, and I won’t chase him.
When I start seeing a guy, I’m honest with him. I will let him know up front if I want to see other people so he can decide if he wants to continue the relationship as is, or ask me to date him exclusively.
I realize that I am not for everyone and every guy that I encounter is not for me. Does that make either of us bad people, no, It just makes us different; and that is okay.
Women today have to be confident in who we are. We have to set standards and live by those standards if we expect to be taken seriously. We have to step up and let guys know what we want, what we expect, what we will put up with and what we will not tolerate. But more than this, we have to be willing to walk away if that man is not willing or capable of meeting our needs. Don’t badger him, don’t belittle him, don’t make his life hell, just quietly walk away.
We disgrace ourselves when a relationships starts falling apart and we throw our standards out the window to hold on to it. What we really need to be doing is getting our things together, putting our coats on and saying goodbye. It is no wonder men have no respect for us when they know they can walk all over us and we will allow them to do so. If a man cheats on us and we take him back, we might as well ask him to stamp welcome on our backside and use us for the doormat. Men and women can only be treated as badly as we allow ourselves to be treated.
I expect to be spoken to like a lady. Please do not say anything to me that you wouldn’t say to your mother, daughter, sister, niece or any other woman that you care about and respect. Don’t initiate conversation with me that you wouldn’t appreciate a man initiating with any of the previously mentioned women in your life. If you want to find a good woman, be a man worthy of having a good woman.
If you have read this far, then I will again remind you of the word freedom. You are free to click off my profile and never contact me or you are free contact me and see where things go. The road we travel is ours to choose. I choose to travel my road with my head held high and my dignity in tact.