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Happiness is a choice we can make,not luck.
by ablessedlady at 6/16/2009 3:34:10 PM

I have for many years,maybe all my life thought that happy people were that way because good things happen to them or they were lucky,never had problems to deal with. The sort of thoughts many of us think when we say happy person or he has such happiness in his life.
I have on my own (as many of these thoughts happen I write) in last 5 or 6 months decided that happy is a choice. No one else can make us happy,other than superficially. They can do things to cause us to want to feel happy but it is up to us. Your life situation,choosen or not does not determine happiness. I could put 3 or 4 more does nots,but that defeats purpose of blog. The purpose is to share what I have come to have found,while going through trials and tribulations compounding hourly for almost a month. Only I control if I am happy. It is okay to at times not be,but those times should be with reason and last only a short time. I made the choice to be happy.Then next few months played it out.I was able with concentration,prayer,relaxation and fond memories to be happy even in the worst of my recent problems.I borrowed the technique used back in the 70's of verbally telling myself,"I am happy" in the mirror everyday. When things were not times of happiness,still I kept in my heart and soul happy feelings. It isn't luck,it is a choice. Yes I found that I was right. I could be miserable,complain,feel down,think of the good"what ifs". No I thought of good memories when things weren't going well. I remembered times they were. When receiving bad news I stopped and used relaxation techniques to feel happy. Sort of like a majic feel good pill. However it is a state of bieng,nothing artificial added.Now it didn't happen over night. I took months to get where I could in confidence state that is how I am,feel,think,want,share. Happy. Just had urge to scribble down a thought that just might be of help to another,or at least I put it down on paper,maybe it will just feel good to me. Nothing profound here,easy reading. Although the proccess was/is deeper than my light blog,well food for thought. If your not hungry then the blog won't be apetizing to you. .