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Guess I aquired a dog
by stasisbane at 9/23/2009 8:23:20 PM

For the past few months, the neighbors' puppy has been hanging around my yard. At first this was just a friendly pop over and be petted sort of thing.
As summer progressed, I noticed they took care of him less and less and he took to sleeping on my porch. Cute little feller, so couldn't see running him off (even though I had to correct this chewing up stuff habit) One night while I was playing with him, his lil puppy tooth fell off in my hand, so I kept it.
Then it got where he was there every morning when I went to work and waiting in the yard when I got back. (buttering me up I tell ya!) So, when I noticed he was looking underfed, I fed him. (yep, I know, sucker)I finally saw one of the neighbors one day and asked about him, was told it was the little kids dog, so now I'm wondering WTF? Why are they not taking care of it?
Turns out, the house is now abandoned (drugs/jail) and is unfit to live in, and the poor lil rascal was left abandoned.
I gave him a bath today, and he's behind my chair asleep as I write this. Still have no clue what breed he is.