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by 242two at 12/2/2009 7:03:13 AM

Do you love your ex?: HELL YEAH
What did you last cry over?: A SAD MOVIE
What's the last mistake you made?: SKIPPING CLASS LOL
Who was the last person you said I love you to?:ELYSHIA
Who last slept in your bed?: SOME RANDOM CHICK,LOL,J/K,,JUST ME
Were you with them?: JUST ME DAMMIT
Where do you want to be?: BACK ON VACATION
Who do you want to be with?: FRIENDS
Do you honestly love your friends?: OH YEAH
Who can always make you happy?: ALICIA
Who do you love to talk to the most?: ALICIA AND JESSICA
Who hates you?: THE DEVIL
Who do you hate?: NO ONE,OH,,THE DEVIL
What are you doing right now?: TAKING A SURVEY
What are you talents?: SEX,LOL
How often do you cry?: EVERY OTHER DAY
What did you do last night?: WATCH PRECIOUS
Would you ever go back out with an ex?: YES
Have you ever used a condom?: OF COURSE
Are you a virgin?: LOL
Is your boyfriend/Girlfriend a virgin?: DONT HAVE ONE
What's the last movie you watched?: PRECIOUS
Ever been in true love?: YUP
Ever smoked?: NO
Gotten high?: NAW
Ever gone running?: YES
How much do you weigh?: 129,I GAINED
How tall are you?: 5'4
Gone skinny dipping?: YES
Gone streaking?: WHATS THAT?
Played strip poker?: NEVER HEARD OF IT
Given a lap dance?: ONCE
Made-out?: OH YEAH
Rolled on the ground w/ the opposite sex?: UMM,YEAH
Bungie Jumped?: HELL NAW
Sang Kareokee?: YEAH
Been wet with your clothes on?: YEAH
Seen the opposite sex naked?: LOL,YEAH
Made fun of a fat person?: BACK IN THE DAY,NOT NO MORE
Looked at someone funny?: NAW
have you had "the talk" with our parents?: NOPE
Been touched by the same sex?: YEAH
Ever been Horney?: 
Looked at porn?: COUPLE OF TIMES
Own any thongs?: OF COURSE
Touched a genital of the other sex?: YUP
Thought about sex?: YUP
Had a "dirty" dream?: LAST NIGHT
Favorite animal?: LION
Least favorite animal?: MONKEY
Most missed Memory?: CANT REMEBER