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My blogs are offensive.
by dougiem at 5/4/2010 10:55:49 AM

It's come to my attention that my blogs are super offensive.
It's also come to my attention that my blogs are f**king hilarious.
Listen up, you greasy shitbirds. If you don't like what I have to say then do the universe a favor and just die. Stop getting so worked up over what a random guy has to say online. It's the f**king internet, for f**k's sake. Stop taking the world wide web so world wide seriously.
And, honestly, you can say what you will about my blogs but at least I'm honest. Not to mention my blogs are completely right because I don't sugarcoat anything and I'm f**king smart.
My blog about writing bothered you? Guess what? You f**king write like Helen Keller. My blog about fat chicks bothered you? Yeah, well, you're probably f**king fat. Didn't like my blog about cats? You probably have pictures of your cat on your f**king profile. If any of my blogs bother you it's because you're probably one of the people I'm writing about so just go string-up already.
I have way more I could add but I'm pretty sure I'm still drunk from last night so go get AIDS. Get super AIDS, even. That's the new AIDS which is, like, even worse than regular AIDS.