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by goldstandard215 at 6/2/2010 11:38:36 AM

Since I've been here in Afghanistan, there have been certain people I have made greater efforts to stay in touch with than others. While talking to a friend of mine, I now realize why that is.
Let me be clear on something: I love p*ssy. Absolutely love it. The more of it I can get, the happier I am. But maybe it's the pussies I've been getting, or just me growing up, or a combination of the two, that have led me to a realization.
There is a difference between 'getting p*ssy' and 'having sex.'
Actually, this is nothing new, but I never understood why that is.
You can get p*ssy from anybody who's willing to give it to you. It's a body part just like d*ck, meant to be used as such. However, having sex means things are a bit deeper than that.
I have also realized that p*ssy alone is not enough to keep my attention. Like I said, *EVERY WOMAN ON THIS EARTH* has a p*ssy. And believe it or not, they all work the same! Shocking concept, huh... LOL
Even if we're just f**king partners, there has to be *something else* there to keep me interested in f**king a woman.
I was going through the women I know back at Fort Drum, and the ones I want to see again the most and spend time with are the ones that I actually have something going with *outside* of sex. Meanwhile, the strict booty calls are kinda falling by the wayside.
Now, am I saying booty calls will no longer have a place in my life? Not at all; gotta keep someone around for when the good women just aren't available, LOL. But if they don't know their place as such, they will soon enough.