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(I Used to be) Proud to be an American....
by im_felineitty at 9/10/2010 11:29:47 AM

I wrote this this morning after watching the news and the talk of that Pastor who wants to burn the Muslin holy book... I AGREE with him... and I'm NOT sorry to say that! I mean what the hell people!!! I know that 2 wrongs don't make a right, but we are nothing but cowering puppies with our feet stuck straight in the air as we get shit on, taken advantage over, and a President who has so many questions about him----just HOW DID HE GET PUT INTO OFFICE? That's another subject people... don't think you're ready for that...obviously...
I'm VERY upset and disillusioned,
of what's become of OUR U.S.A..
I used to feel patriotic
Used to feel it day by day...
But after nine-eleven,
and all that senseless death,
the sadness in our knowing,
they've taken their last breath...
There's talk of building a Mosque,
for those of THAT religion...
They want to build one on the "site"
That's an ABOMINABLE decision!! 
What in HELL is going on?
Is the government quite MAD???
Again, in the name of "rights",
I feel that it's so sad...
must sucuumb to others' faiths,
and we can no longer live our lives,
as we used to day by day...
Where is our prayer,or Pledge of Allegiance,
Merry Christmas, and OUR RIGHTS!!!
They were taken away from OUR beliefs
Cause it OFFENDED those whose flight--
has brought them here to OUR homeland,
where THEY dictate what WE can do!
It's quite obvious that they do not care,
about the beliefs of me and you...
And Mr. President, I need to know,
How YOU become the leader of our country?
When you won't even place your hand,
O'er your heart and Pledge of Allegiance with me???
In all that's done in the name of law,
OUR rights have been shunned aside...
To allow ALL people to move right in,
And change what we held in PRIDE!!!
I'm so disillusioned, and angry that,
we've allowed them to do that to us..
It's GOT TO STOP, I implore you please!
Yes, it's in God that we USED to Trust...
I know there will be many of you who will choose NOT to pass this along for knowing that repercussions WILL happen if this Pastor does go ahead and burn the Holy Book of Muslims... They are going to do what they want ANYWAY people just like they've BEEN doing!!! they burn OUR flags... They burn OUR Bibles... they've come in and dictated and whined and got THEIR way---they've taken our money, our homes, our jobs and livelyhoods!!! I KNOW you've seen it, experienced it or your family members have suffered because of what WE as Americans are no longer receiving help... Foreigners are given EVERYTHING!!! YOU KNOW THAT PEOPLE..... Stop being ostriches!!!! Pull your heads up out of that damned hole they've dug for us.....PLEASE I IMPLORE YOU..... SEND THIS ALONG AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU COME ACROSS OF SIMILAR NATURE... Let them know that we as PROUD AMERICANS --- WON'T STAND FOR THIS ANYMORE!!! Tsk... I sincerely hope so my friends.... I hope so..... Love Char