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Moral matchmaking marketing
by has_heart at 9/21/2010 9:55:00 AM

OK so when it comes to developing interest from another person.. well you are marketing yourself.. now morally that can be taxing on a good person, we tend to want to be objective and tell are weak points just as much as our strong points, we value our honesty.. but lets look at the bigger picture. Is honesty what's really important, or happiness.. I think that the good people of this earth are mismarketing themselves. If you know what you have to offer will (in the long run) make the person you are offering to happy, then don't accidently discourage them and rob them of the chance of happiness by throwing up a red flag.. now people who don't care about anothers happiness downplay their downsides.. and the average attractive person expects a person to be worse than they lead on.. so if you are being honest about your downsides.. they will think you are holding back.. and you won't get a date. and they will end up with another liar and no one is happy.. And that's not right.. i suggest we start avoiding our bad sides.. changing subject in our red flag areas.. for it's the final product that matters.. and if someone gives you a chance they will find this on their own. No I didn't say lie.. but you don't have to come right out and say something unattractive about yourself.. remember.. dating is like marketing.. it's selling a product.. and you are the product.. if you want someone to buy.. make it sound good.. and the proof is in the pudding.. once they do buy.. if your product really is worth the price.. no one will be complaining 