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Hello, My Name Is Sherri, And I Am an Addict
by sherri_ at 1/15/2011 3:41:36 AM

I marvelled in dumbstruck awe when my friend told me she had 15,000 titles in her e-book library. How could that be? For what purpose?
Then I got a Kindle for Christmas. Fifteen days into the new year, and I am approaching 1,000.
Who ever heard of P.G. Wodehouse? He's brilliant! Funny! So, obviously, I had to download all his available works.
Everyone has heard of The Scarlet Pimpernel; who knew it was but one of a series? Of course, I had to download all of her works, too.
Ditto with Twain, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sax Rohmer, who doesn't love all those mysteries ala Hercule Poirot, Murder She Wrote, etc? Then there are the authors who influenced Tolkien...and all the books on ancient history: Vikings, Romans, Saxons, pirates...all the Allan Quatermains.
In my defense, they're all free...well, almost all, I slipped a couple times; and who knows how long they'll be free? When I started there were some 16,xxx titles but today there are only 15,xxx...so already 1,000 have been removed!
But I need to stop. I'm on search item 3589. Under another parameter, the search froze at item 4879, so their software limitations might stop me.
But for now: I'm going back to downloading all the works of George Barr McCutcheon. Who is he? Sure, I'd heard of Brewster's Millions, who hasn't? He was also so popular in his day that most American and British newspapers carried his obituary on their front page.
As you can clearly understand, I must have them all. Before they disappear. I am Sherri, and I am a Kindle Addict.