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Ya he was right then, and he is right now.
by blyndndef at 1/27/2011 5:04:52 PM
Now this is the part where anyone can accuse me of plagiarism. And I stand and say yes. See an event happened just the other day, that made me think of something I read many years ago. So I had to look it up and refresh my memory.
Now not everyone reads Playboy for the articles, I do. This just proves that very point. Not the point I am making tho. See Back when I had just gotten out of high school, I would get bored and read shit cover to cover. Didn't matter what it was. But what I did enjoy reading was Asa Baber, the writer of Playboy's Men column. He wrote and article defining the sense of security women feel around men. So to speak he wrote about the lack of it.
"Most of the women I know can vividly remember when they felt threatened, or unsafe around men in public places.And that aspect of female life makes existance more difficult for those of us today. Men, and Women,"
He goes on to say, that hey can give exact times and dates of such occasion even. Every detail of the encounter. Why, becasue it scarred them. Not just scared, scarred.
"As you listen to them talk you can feel thier angeer and thier fears, and you have to recognize the graviy of thier charges.You have know that these women were unnerved, and thier fears will not disappear simply becasue you want them to orwish they would."
So ya. What's that mean. That to me means, we as men have a responsibility to respect and act accordingly. Why, becasue it's just right. In a public setting women don't want to cornered by a stranger. The in your face idea doesn't work. Long gone are the times when we would have grabbed a club and gone out and bashed a sheep ove rhte head and drug it on back to the den, rednek or not.
"It's undeniable that a small percentage of violent and uncontrolled men have engaged in dispicable conduct towards some of the women they encounter, and that such conduct has scarred those women and darkened the image of all men in this culture. Our image has not been helped by the incessant media coverage of violent men; biased and loaded media coverage increases womens fear of men."
Yep got that right. See the more women see jackasses harrassing other women and have idiots plunging down thier throats the idea of thier manly bullshit, they will continue to grow in fear of men. This is true. We believe what we see, wht we hear. Amber had a guy walk across the street just to tell her that she had a fine ass. Oh ya sure like that doesn't make us look bad. Sure women like compliment, but make them that. Don't put your balls in your mouth. Testosterone has a way of turning women off, for the next ten guys after you. Think about what your going to say, and say it nicely, at the right time and in the right place.
Women don't seem to want a guy popping out of nowhere and askiing if they wanna see pics of his junk. Come on really? Don't think they want a guy emailing them out of nowhere about the joys of having her shirt hanging on thier bedpost either. How we approach them, defines thier impression of how they see all men. And the more we act like complete jerks the more women are going to retreat into thier shadows. Want to get her attention, make her feel good about herself. Don't try to turn her on, your actions will do that for you if your in the right mind frame and she notices it.
Yes there is a code of conduct that we men should follow. And it's is an unwritten code as well, constantly being added to as the times change.
"My job and your job, I should say. Which is to wish all women the best of health an safety, and to do what we can to help them productive and unmolested lives."
Unmolested physically and mentally.
"Is it too much to ask ourselves. And if we take this code of conduct seriously, as we should, it would be well worth all our efforts. Because it would help us build that much needed bridge across that wide canyon, we sometimes call, The Gender Gap."
Made sense to me then, makes sense to me now. Maybe a few of you should read the full article,,, Playboy June of 1993. You could find a different window to look out of.