Ships without water, sail upon the winds of time
by blyndndef at 1/30/2011 2:25:22 PM

the lighter side of life needs to be investigated once again.
Seems too many serious issues about being serious are going around, I must say, relax and everything will be just fine. It appears we have forgotten how to have fun. See to me that's the first reason we are here, to have fun. Now that means flirting, carrying on, piquing intrest, witty jokes and prosperous prospecting. It is how we learn about each other firsthand.
Having fun, see that's the one thing that should come first in life. The second is eye opening. Whether we alone open our own eyes, or someone does it for us unintentionally. I know all of you have many windows in your houses, each offering a different viewpoint of a vivid landscape.Do we sit and stare continuously out the front window and count blue cars? Or do we move around the back and stare at the weeping cherry in the nieghbors yard that has christmas light still adorning it? What about the backyard, if you sit at the kitchen table could it be possible to see a fox trot?
Different windows, each with it's own unique viewpoint. Offering different views and different scenery. Now that brings me to the real second reason, furthering our horizons. Be it meeting someone for coffee, or a walk on maple street under the street lights. Why go any further. I have to. It's part of life. To further my horizons, see what life brings. That's the second reason we are here to learn new things, be it a new word or something about another person. Maybe even something about ourselves.
So we are learning. Learning to deal with our own pain. Our own suffering that brought us here. Be it lonelyness, or sheer boredom in a backwoods cabin. It guides us along telling us, "Hey feel that little beat, that's me, can ya feel it?" A common ground exists umong us all. Our craving for soomething we don't have at the moment in our lives.
A craving... hmmm now I might be onto something,,, old windbag Blynd might actually have a secret...nope... See we all have a craviing to fil some huge void in our lives. Romantically, or personally. But why try to take dirt from one hole to fill another. We can't there is no dirt in the other hole to use. The only thing we can fill it with, is things we find along the way that fit. But if we try and shove too many things in at once, it ends as a tangled mass of hurt. On another note, if we try and stuff things that are to big, then it just doesn't fit and we get hurt as well. Either way we end up with the hole being empty again once more, only it's a bigger hole now because while we were shoving in the junk we knocked some of the stuff off the edges, and while cleaning it out we scraped the bottom even deeper. We have to take it slowly with little things. Little pieces of things. Put them real gently inside it, just the right way. They fit on thier own in a very neat order that covers the bottom and works its way up. Little by little.
Little by little, that's the only way. Try and go too fast and it's a jumbled mess. Take a ship, i know you are all wondering what the hell I'm talking about, so here's my explanation. Some understand already others just don't get it. Take a ship, it sails with wind. Not one giant sail, but many little ones backed up by a larger one. Winds of time, patience. It doesn't leap out of the water like a speedboat and launch ahead at 150 mph. It can't. Rather you take your time and lay the kentledge, that's the balast on the bottom that balances it out. Then you have to raise the mast. Not too far or it will flip. Now we hang the sails one by one, and wait for wind. Whoosh here comes a mighty one. A real good nor'easter. But it still doesn't just launch forward, it starts of slow, gaining momentum as the winds of time fill the sails. Slowly moving faster and faster. But slowly, moving faster.
See a ship that sails with out water is a friend-ship. The basis for all great successful partner-ships. Thats brings me to the point I'm making here. If we don't have balance it flips, if we don't have enough sails, it doesnt move. If there is no wind it can't go anywhere. When all those things come together, it moves along slowly gaining momentum. But with each step we take we have to have fun with it. Cant be too serious about everything or the sailing won't be any fun and we will spend too much time digging out our hole and not being able to sail from star to star... Think about it. have fun, when you find enough little pieces to fill the hole, lay the kentledge, hoist the sails, catch the wind, sail the seas... Have fun.