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Reckless Abandonment
by daretobeyou at 5/28/2011 6:25:30 AM
She longs to do something reckless, something to dull the ache in her heart
She contemplates what?
The thought of allowing strangers in her bed can't be much worse then "strangers" (former loves) that are in her head...she surmisses.
Yet...she pauses. She has never allowed her body, nor her mind, to be casually touched.
Every encounter, as every lover of hers...was heavily weighed and calculated to determine worth.
Would he be worthy and if so...could she add value to him also?
That was her way with men. But where has it taken her? Anywhere??
So she sits....in a place where love does not exist for her anymore.
She longs for its return...but perhaps she's fooling herself.
She's aware what the outside world says about her: "Wanted by many, loved by some, yet only cherished by a few."
And so her thoughts turn back to the taboo subject of pursuing reckless encounters.
Men have done it for centuries..why not she?
True, she has been known as the lady with intergrity..but tonight she may settle for far less a noble title.