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President's "Quarterly Review"?
by cdukshnow at 8/7/2011 3:05:57 AM

I (or you-any American) apply for a managerial position (a job) and have a very good resume (Obama had SHIT on his resume).
I (we) get the job and my superiors expect me to live up to what I claimed I was capable of.
If inside of 3 years, with all the help I can possibly get, my performance while at the job keeps it at the norm, neither higher or lower than where the profits were prior to my arrival, they would have decent reason to let me go.
Now if I make things better, even a little, it's likely I will keep my job.
If I fail, miserably, and have proof showing that I lied habitually based on my resume and tank the company to a place it has never seen before, I lose the job.

So should any leader of this country. Republican or democrat.


8/7/2011 3:08:48 AM

Well Bush got his picture on Time magazine with Pinochio nose over lies from Iraq so until Obama gets that he stays.

8/7/2011 4:39:34 AM

It's a flaw in democracy.. we've elected people to pass laws to suit themselves, regardless of the fact the constitution prohibits this.. If you remember when this guy was campaigning he said he was going to help single mothers get better healthcare and then he gets obamacare passed which only forces them to pay for insurance.. Yet his only goals are to eliminate SS and medicare.. while trying to make the altenative profitable.. which isn't in the interest of the American people at all.. I sadly voted for this idiot based on my political opinion of the guy when he was campaigning.. I wish i wouldve done more research but then again I'm still learning

8/7/2011 4:50:02 AM

Well said harry. The reason you can not make this comparison is our president doesn't really run the country or as you say get to do his job. Our president can not do his job on his own. Everything has to be passed through congress, he can not act alone. So i ask you, how much power does the president really have? The problem is the way our government has to be party and agenda driven. Example: Our government bargaining over agenda issues when "we the people" are who they are to be acting for. I want you to tell me if the country would be doing so great if "WHO" was president? yo harry, we still haven't found a weapon of mass destruction and Obama is to blame for this war. I'm not defending him, i'm just making a point as to how people are so mixed up and need to really think first and stop being so jaded.

8/7/2011 4:53:29 AM

Oh yeah, if you understand "politics" then you understand the game all politicians play. If you get this, then you should not be disappointed in any of them, this is what they do. My point is that this is not right and "we the people" should not settle for this. Democrat, Republican or whatever. We need Americans to be more American.

8/7/2011 5:05:14 AM

As for job performance, I cant stomach, Democrats, or Republicans as of right now! They have played games, in DC, with ppls jobs, and lives! Its a sad day in America, when Mexicos unemployment rate, is lower than ours! We have driven all industry, out of this nation! Compation, and Unions, have destroyed this nations Industry! So everyone is driving there Hondas, Toyotas, and Nissans( I understand 15% of them are made here, the Asians through us a bone, to keep all profits) So whose to blame? Our greedy politicans, or our greedy ppl?

8/7/2011 5:08:53 AM

It is sad to think that in the not too far future, Americans will be the minority in America.

8/7/2011 5:13:55 AM

It is slavery when everyone above the working class person is getting rich off of your back. The penthouse floor keeps going up and the basement keeps going down. This is pathetic and the shame belongs to our government!!

8/7/2011 5:17:08 AM

Americans are too divided, none of us stand for America! We all stand for a cause, that holds back America! I know I like working, being able to take care of my family, and leaving something for my son, to take care of his family! These this are extinct! Everyone and there causes has killed America! We deserve better pay, we deserve not to drill, we deserve to have someone back us, because we cant back ourselves! Well I dont think we deserve much! I was taught I dont deserve shit, that I should be priviledged, to have the oppertunity, to have this great life. May have forgot WE as a nation, and have become I,jmo!

8/7/2011 5:17:57 AM

These things*

8/7/2011 5:23:29 AM

I feel your frustration. I served for our country and i love the USA, but i do believe the privilege to be an American has become watered down by too many foreigners allowing themselves to become American and get more than any born American can (when needed).

8/7/2011 6:00:27 AM

thing most Americans don't know is who is Running may or may not know progressives are another name for Marxist /Leninist s . I don't (new Here) if you can put up links. but really don't need too,open a new window and google communists in congress.

8/7/2011 6:25:25 AM


8/7/2011 6:36:31 AM

Clinton is a "good example" of what? He did a wonderful job at being the president, but his moral character sucked. Then what does that also say about his wife for tolerating his behavior. She too did not give a great example for any victimized woman to follow. But like i stated earlier, how can you be surprised by anything a politician does. These examples are what we need less of. If everyone just abided by the "Golden Rule" this country and world would be great.

8/7/2011 6:39:14 AM

they are all big government,big business,legislate for money,Elitists ,If they actually cared what the citizens wanted they wouldn't have passed health care,not when hundreds of thousands went to Washington to protest and polls showed the majority of people didn't want it.this was a health slavery ,funnel money to my friends,disaster and yet stupid people voted party line and many returned to the sewer. get off the party loyalty,everyone that voted for that bill should go next election,

8/7/2011 7:05:49 AM

I wish I could blame my predecessor if I did an absolute shit job. The sad thing is, none of you would have my back if I did, but you have the back of Obama. Lenin nailed it! And it is in strong use today. All I can do is pray you find the truth for yourselves. And I do. God bless you!

8/7/2011 7:08:41 AM

If you step in a pile of shit, is it your fault or the dog that put it there? Perhaps it the leader of the dog for not cleaning it up!!

8/7/2011 7:11:11 AM

Great job "W" and the Republicans. I am not backing Obama. I'm just pointing out where our governments flaws are and how the American people have been duped.

8/7/2011 7:33:21 AM

Great job w?I am not for either party.The dems bashed bush and wouldnt sign anything.Now the republicans are doing the same thing back.Its all about making whom ever president at the time look bad.In fighting.While they do this were loosing the middel class.Once the middel class goes ,so does america.For me i wasnt sold on a speech.Because i knew he had to go through congress.And for bush ,that man is evil .And hun the definition of sex is penitration not oral.But it was wrong.I often sit back and think what would america do if another country came in the usa and just took over .Through us out of are houses .Put up road blocks.If those countrys men and women do not want there leader in power its up to them to get rid of them.We need to clean are own hoouse up.

8/7/2011 7:41:30 AM

True, that is why i wish there were a "none of the above" to be checked when voting for anyone. Then i think our true feelings will be felt. All this party fighting is ruining our country and you are so right. I just hope it gets better in my lifetime and if not i really feel bad for my daughter.

8/14/2011 8:28:59 AM

I'd be smarter than stepping in a pile of shit but, in my experiences, when I have a crew that I primarily appoint, I have NEVER done worse than ANY of my predecessors. So, like I said, no backing. It's like the North Korean perspective.

8/15/2011 12:31:33 AM

Very nice xtasty. I DO know that and, thanks to revent inquiries on my behalf, I KNOW that is true. There are no parties anymore as the "right" is now "left" and the "left" is socialist.