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I'm Sorry Fathers (I)
by cdukshnow at 8/7/2011 7:01:34 AM

I'm Sorry Fathers
I have recently been made privy to some extremely disheartening information regarding our country and the direction it is headed and by the party responsible.
I chose to serve my country at the age of 16. I was allowed, under parental approval, to join the U.S.M.C. at the age of 17 and graduated boot camp on my 18th birthday.
I chose to serve for a sense of pride and giving thanks to this great nation I had been brought to by God. Never in my wildest nightmares would I have thought what is currently taking place would be possible.
My family is tattered and has minimal relations with each other. Like many families I have known and know today. I am ashamed at this and never knew there was a group in existence intending for the entire country to engage in such behavior.
I always was a big believer in marriage, for reasons unknown to me, and thought I would marry the first woman I ever had any kind of real feelings for. Since then I thought I had learned what women were really like until I found the information I am referring to and now know that my horrible experiences came from the minds of those desperate to make our country fall toward a different regime.
Being a previous public school student I can say, as an adult, I am a firm believer in home schooling more than anything. I knew some students in my academic career that were home schooled and was actually envious of them as a child. I now know why. Their participation in the home provided them with a completely different structure both scholastically and socially having developed a sense of love and belonging that can only come from the family. Fortunately I grew to be socially extroverted which is a vast difference from how I was raised.
Home schoolers test higher than anyone and NEVER have less than "normal" social lives unless the parents are severely introverted which is almost impossible simply due to the set up of cirriculum. http://www.hslda.org/docs/nche/000010/200410250.asp
During my public school years I learned about human nature and the different types. I was taught that homosexuality was "normal/healthy/safe" and was a little conflicted about this. For some reason saying "homosexuality is normal" or "healthy" seemed very uncomfortable to me. Today I know, if not for science, if the entire world became homosexual right now human existence would cease likely within 100 years. This is NOT normal, or healthy, for our species. Had I kown then what I know now my resistance to accept this form of sexuality would have been much more aggressive. Thanks to that group, I now am much more stubborn about this topic. I can also thank my inquisitive nature.
One of the other things that have been brought to my attention is the environmental standing of "the earth". When I was in grade school I learned about pollution and how it is "destroying the earth". What I should have been told was "the earth is fine but you should be conscious of your own survivable environment". There is a big difference.
This is one way I have put this into perspective. If we detonate a nuclear bomb in every major city in the world every day for 10 years the earth would be fine. We are not powerful enough to destroy our planet but may be powerful enough to destroy ourselves. That is a monumental difference.
The group that first brought this overzealous interpretation into mind is the sole reason (I had no idea at the time) I did some research on the subject.
We have always had a "hole in the ozone layer". As long as we have been able to see that high the hole has been there so why on earth would we think we created it?
I heard of something a few years back after hering about high schools and junior high schools promoting the use of condoms for "safe sex". It was books titled something along the lines of "Bobby has 2 dads" and "Cindy has 2 mommy's". I cringed at the thought of those and couldn't understand why. I had done alot of work on myself since then and had actually come to a place, even though a little uncomfortable, where I thought of that as being "open minded" so I then uderstood.
After my recent findings on exactly why these kinds of titles are being implemented into our public schools and the age range they are designed for (sometimes under the age of 8) I, again, have to thank that particular party.
As a single adult, with no kids, having never been married, I am saddened to see how many single women there are on dating sites (and any where else) with a divorce, or more, under their belts. Especially when they are brazen enough to refer to themselves as "old fashioned". There is nothing old fashioned about divorce and there never has been.
Again I owe thanks to that particular party for explaining why divorce and promiscuity are now so extremely rampant. I have always had a desire to be with one woman for my entire life.