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Never had casual flings in my past?
by adventousmale23 at 2/29/2012 8:27:37 PM

I am a strong(bench 255lb) stocky, muscular, short(5' 8'') goofy, spontanieous, and hopeless romantic 23 year old guy. Since I always play by the rules and make sure that my actions never harm others, it's safe to say that I don't have much causual sex experiences, well... none actualy! It's not that I lack strenght, boldness, willingness to take risk or personal confidence( I'm a future Cop in the making by the way) it's just the fact that I always think of the potential consiquences of my actions before I carry them out and I would feel like a piece of scum if I had some kids that I didn't know about and had to grow up without me or gave the girl I was with an STD as a parting gift( I don't want to recieve one either!!) because I never heard from her afterwards.
Despite the fact that I am not the type of guy who will call and text you 100 times a day or everday for that matter, I grow a deep sense of loyalty, trust and protective nature for those who I become intimate with and I am even willing to take a bullet for a woman who just took me into bed once!! I know it sounds extremely pathetic to some but I really am THAT LOYAL!!
Would this make me seem like a whimp to young women within the age range of 18-35 or is being a loyal, caring, stong, non-abusive protector appear to be a positive triat? I am also wondering how much I have missed out on by not having one night stands? My parents are strong Christians and my god parents are strong Muslims so growing up between the two of them they turned me into a very disiplined young man and encouraged me to play sports and and take up Archery and Martial Arts instead of partying in my teen and college years and I have only been drunk twice in my life(though it is a mortal sin in Islam and frowned upon within Christianity).
How much of a trun off is my lack of partying and no fling experience to the average young woman?
My God Brother and I are entering the Police Academy so wish us Luck!!