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The Ingredients Of A Memorable Night
by msdetoit at 7/4/2012 10:23:21 AM

Eyes briefly meeting
Hands sliding down my back.
My heart is pulsing rapidly
This is my angle of attack.
Lips touching abrasively
Bodies demanding passion.
Words whispered of desire
And meaningful compassion.
With our legs intertwining
I get a feeling from within.
That feeling is gratifying
and almost full of sin.
With us there's is no limits
Nor secrets to unveil.
Every word you whisper
Is erotic with detail.
With our fantasies recited
And our wishes slowly granted.
I soon begin to realize
It's my name you've softly chanted.
A rhythm in the setting
Of music softly playing.
Its tone is precisely amorous
With the lust you are displaying.
Delightfully I tell you
Of the wishes I want fulfilled.
As I begin to lose focus
My conscience tends to rebuild.
As you aggressively twirl my hair
My body begins to shake.
This is when I realize
This encounter is no mistake.
My breathing heavily increases
As your goal is now in sight.
I arch my back and moan
In awe of this memorable night.