5/25/2008 10:45:13 AM |
Calling all cat lovers........need some advice |

Rutland, IA
age: 35
Luvin needs some advice and since she is in DH jail I am posting it for her
Hey, can you post a thread for me?
My cat has been acting weird...he isnt cleaning himself...he let himself get all matted.so bad that the mat coming off ripped the skin!!!!!!! I groom him as much as I can..but he does NOT appreciate it, and will bite me..so I have to get in a few snips here and there to try and get rid of the mats. He threw up a few times...but otherwise I cant find anything wrong with him...hes still eating fine and ect....He is 9 years old. Can cats get depressed?
I dont know what to do...I know we have crazy cat lovers out there...I cant call the vet cuz its the holiday weekend..
so could you post me a thread...
calling all cat lovers...advice needed please? With my stuff above about how hes acting and the matting?
He usually does that a little...like in the summer when he is hunting, almost like he doesnt have time for grooming...lol, more important things to do. But this is extreme, awful...and Im worried about him!!!!!!!!!
stupid cat...I love him so much...LOL
5/25/2008 1:30:06 PM |
Calling all cat lovers........need some advice |

Creve Coeur, IL
age: 35
usually cats are very jelous animals...do u have any new pets? or sometimes they r just mad at u for moving a room around...it could be a new food...in short cats dont like change...as far as the throughin up...he may have eaten something he wasnt supposed to or he could be so upset with something it upsets his stomach...not an expert here but some of the things i have learned over the years...
5/26/2008 9:15:18 AM |
Calling all cat lovers........need some advice |

Farmington, IL
age: 46
Check the litter box. Look for worms and signs of scouring. Sounds like you need to get him to the Vet!
5/26/2008 3:45:56 PM |
Calling all cat lovers........need some advice |

Pinckney, MI
age: 89
Hi Kristy, I had a persian cat she got matted and i thought it was her. So i took her in to get shaved. It turned out she had a bladder or urinary infection...This happend a few times over the years...Just something to think about...Janell
[Edited 5/26/2008 3:49:47 PM]
5/27/2008 8:43:29 AM |
Calling all cat lovers........need some advice |

Fresno, CA
age: 62
He needs to see the vet, could be several things....
I know that is hard advice, I am retired and have no extra money for vet bills, but gotta bite the bullet.
5/27/2008 2:47:03 PM |
Calling all cat lovers........need some advice |

Tompkinsville, KY
age: 50
Well being a cat owner,He or she may need worming to give them a shiny coat and help with the mats.Does the cat go outside or are they inside cat,I have the mat problem myself
also the breed of cats can have a heavy undercoat of hair,As for the other problem they could have a hair ball,I use hartz hairball remedy for this it salmon flavor.Not saying
these may be you problems,Just some things i have com across in 20 years with my cats.I have three and they have never touched the grass outside.My oldes is female 18 years old.
Thank god for groomers.
5/27/2008 7:57:42 PM |
Calling all cat lovers........need some advice |

Splendora, TX
age: 54 online now!
needs a vet to check for sarcoptic mange
5/27/2008 8:49:55 PM |
Calling all cat lovers........need some advice |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 45
Hey Kristy
I'm a pet groomer. If he is eating and drinking he's probably fine but if your concerned a vet is the way to go. This time of year animals are losing thier winter coat which will cause matting and in my experience as they age it get worst. Hope he's ok!
5/29/2008 10:14:26 AM |
Calling all cat lovers........need some advice |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 41
Try giving the cat a little bit of yogurt or margarine off your fingers. Do it for a few days.
Make sure your cat isn't fighting with other cats or animals.
If these things don't work, I agree with the others - you have to take the cat to the vet.
6/8/2008 6:11:32 PM |
Calling all cat lovers........need some advice |

Johnson City, TN
age: 43
Your kitty is experiencing some MAJOR stress! Any recent changes in routine? (new family members; human, feline, or other) Is he cannibalizing himself? I'm not trying to be funny; because my hairy little "son" eats his own fur when he's upset! If your kitty eats stuff not meant to be food, this is an actual medical condition called "Pica." He could have gastrointestinal issues. And YES - cats can suffer from depression! And there are cats who don't care how they look ... if your kitty has always been a slob, there's not much you can do; short of hiding him when you have company. I've noticed several people said take him to the vet ... please heed this suggestion. You just can't put a price on love, and it's obvious you love your kitty!