Smyrna, TN
age: 29
I was talking to a guy friend of mine. It had been a few years since we had caught up, so we were doing the whole "what cha doing?" blah blah blah things and suddenly he says "you're smart...pretty - why aren't you married yet?"
I was stunned. Caught off guard, I guess.
I replied "...they don't just sell boyfriends at wal-mart."
I have no idea if this was an 'what is wrong with you?' insult or a 'wow, they missed out' compliment.
Guys are weird.

Franklin, TN
age: 26
It's a compliment. He might have said that meaning you seem great how has some guy not have nabbed you up.

Cleveland, TN
age: 41
i thought its was kinda cute comment

Memphis, TN
age: 40
I think it was a good compliment. He knows that you are a great lady and just questions why you aren't married.

Gallatin, TN
age: 43
I think it was a compliment too although I could see where you were coming from with what could be taken as an almost "so what is wrong with you?" 