5/28/2008 12:06:37 PM |
how many animals do you have? |

Ely, NV
age: 24
I have four cats(one just had a litter so seven) two dogs( the ones that pull their own wait)three pec*cks(love the plume)five ducks, twenty-five goats(with afew more on the way) 
5/28/2008 1:28:08 PM |
how many animals do you have? |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 50
I have 2 dogs, 2 Wolves, A couple of snakes and Three fish.
5/28/2008 7:27:04 PM |
how many animals do you have? |

Mount Pleasant, PA
age: 38
sometimes too many...6 horses, 7 dogs, and 3 cats..but love every one of them and wouldn't part with any of them...
5/29/2008 4:22:30 AM |
how many animals do you have? |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
Two dogs and wish I could have more.
5/29/2008 8:32:42 AM |
how many animals do you have? |

Wilmington, DE
age: 43
I have one dog ( a boxer) and 2 cats. Love 'em!
5/29/2008 10:08:13 AM |
how many animals do you have? |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 41
I live with two cats. I would have more, but I live in a studio apartment and there just isn't room.

5/29/2008 12:12:09 PM |
how many animals do you have? |

Middleport, OH
age: 50
to many to mention.
5/29/2008 1:46:20 PM |
how many animals do you have? |

Houston, MS
age: 27
i have two dogs they like my babys too. i did have three dogs and i have to put one to sleep be causes she would not eat and all. 
5/29/2008 6:58:43 PM |
how many animals do you have? |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
Silver, wish we lived closer. I would love to see those wolves. Do you have a pic of them?
5/30/2008 8:24:19 AM |
how many animals do you have? |

Fresno, CA
age: 62
Three cats, all spayed, and four finches. One cat is 15, the others are 1 and 5 respectively, all females.
Of course, I also feed a few visiting cats of neighbors who allow their cats to roam, hard to resist
those faces!
5/30/2008 8:37:26 PM |
how many animals do you have? |

Bristol, WI
age: 49
I have 5 giant dogs, Mastiffs! They all stay in the house with me.... 
5/31/2008 2:17:33 PM |
how many animals do you have? |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 50
I do...but not on this computer. I'm totally remodling my house and most of them are in boxes. I have my work computer here at my brothers house to keep in touch and send in my articles. I'll try to remember to grab a couple of the pictures off of one of my cd's and send them to you.
6/7/2008 12:02:14 AM |
how many animals do you have? |

Gretna, LA
age: 26
I have two different types of birds which r in one cage. A c*ckatiel and a lovebird. What a strange love connection, huh ??? They can't b in separate caging cuz they go crazy if they're apart. It doesn't matter if it's only 5 seconds or 5 minutes. Weird, huh ??? LOL Two birds from different sides of the tracks.........just us humans from different races, religions, etc.